Walking with the Wise #218: Help! I Need Somebody!

“Without counsel plans fail,
but with many advisers they succeed.”

—Proverbs 15:22

Have you ever needed help? Have you ever needed someone to give you guidance, to provide a listening ear, ready to offer words of wisdom when called upon? We all do in some way or another. After seeking God’s face first, it may be necessary to seek the counsel of others next. God speaks through His Word, prayer, Spirit, and through His people. We need someone who is wiser than us, who is more seasoned, who has known what it's like to try and to fail, but who has come out stronger and wiser because of it.

Our proverb for today says that we all need counsel if our plans are to succeed, but many of us, because of sin and pride, don’t seek the help of others—preferring to do it our own way. The wise person will seek to hear from several different people, getting their perspective so as to know which way is best and to learn what possible obstacles, snares, traps, or issues may develop, then act accordingly, making sure to minimize problems and maximize solutions.

What choice are you facing right now? What challenge is before you? Have you sought God first by reading His Word, praying, and listening to His Spirit? Are you seeking input from godly counselors second? Commit your way to the Lord, honor Him, let Him speak to you through His Word, prayer, and the counsel of other believers, and then do what He tells you to do—and when you do, be prepared to meet with success. Amen.


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