Walking with the Wise #203: Inexhaustible
“The lips of the wise spread knowledge; not so the hearts of fools”
—Proverbs 15:7
Wisdom is more valuable than people often realize. Money, power, fame, etc., are really nothing in comparison. Money can buy many things, but wisdom, that is something money can’t buy. The wise are those who spread knowledge, but not just useless trivia—knowledge about God and how to live according to His Word in an ever-changing world.
On the opposite side of the wise are fools. Fools care nothing about understanding, instead care only about what is going on in the present. Which is to say that they are hopelessly adrift with no anchor, bobbing to and fro according to whatever current comes their way—they care nothing about how to live wisely, they care only about pleasing themselves and aren’t particularly concerned how its done.
Solomon was the wisest man ever to have lived—that is, except for Jesus. Jesus spread the knowledge of God wherever He went and people craved to be in His presence. Man, though knee-deep in rebellion, still longs to know God and know what it means to follow and find joy in Him.
As Christians, we can easily forget to seek knowledge. All too often we are caught up in our own creaturely comforts and selfish seeking to truly seek God’s face. Or we are just lazy, dulled by the daily banality that finds its way into our homes through our televisions and computers, bored with God, as if He was an old sitcom that was once popular and is now largely forgotten, even though we like to revisit reruns about Him once in a while—as if nostalgia could help rekindle our first love.
God is no rerun, nor could we ever be bored with Him for He is inexhaustible. His grace and mercies extend way beyond anything we could ever know, and His love is grander than all of the love sons that man has ever written. Our job is to grow in the knowledge of Him, to seek out the wise, not the fools of this world, but those who care about God and His Word. Our duties as true and loving Christ-followers is to sit at the feet of those with a burning passion to know God—not just know about Him, but to intimately and experientially know Him. And when we do, our Lord Jesus will rekindle such love in our hearts that we will become burning torches of knowledge that will light the dry wicks of those still afar off, but who long to know the one true God of the universe.
May the Lord our God light a flame within our hearts that we burn for His glory! May the fire within us spill onto others so that the glory of God and the knowledge of Jesus will light the whole land afire, so that God might be glorified, man might be saved, and we might experience the joy of knowing Him who is our heart’s greatest and most intimate delight. Amen.
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