Walking with the Wise #216: Proud Parents

“A wise son makes a glad father,
but a foolish man despises his mother.”

—Proverbs 15:20

God created the family—man and woman to be husband and wife who become father and mother. It is in the crucible of family that our character and faith are forged. No wonder then that if we live the life of a fool our parents are grieved, because we are in some way the product of their parenting skills. If we are wise, known to make wise choices, then they are proud and joyous, for we have shown a willingness to listen to their counsel.

Have you asked yourself the question—is my family proud of me? It’s a difficult question, especially if your parents are unbelievers, deceased, disillusioned, or simply disobedient. But, if they love God, and you are following the Lord, your life should be a well of joy and refreshment, providing a constant source of encouragement for them whenever they think of you.

Are you living the Christian life in such a way that they experience joy and not sorrow? If your parents aren’t Christians, or are deceased, then consider God as your parent. Is He pleased with your life and the choices we are making? Notice that I wrote, “choices we are making.” We all have choices in our past of which we are ashamed and, thankfully, God offers us forgiveness and asks us to repent and turn to Him. What I want us to consider are our choices in the present. Is our life representative of the Lord we proclaim? Are we presently making choices that are honoring to Him?

Honor God and He will honor you and He will cause your name to be remembered by family and friends alike for His glory and your joy. Amen.


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