Walking with the Wise #202: Genuine Treasure
"In the house of the righteous there is much treasure, but trouble befalls the income of the wicked”—Proverbs 15:6
Righteous living has many tangible benefits. Living for Christ enables us to understand what contentment really is. Through the Word of God, we learn that “if we have food and clothing, with these we will be content”—1 Timothy 6:8. We learn that the things of this world, i.e., the desires of the flesh, desires of the eyes, and pride of life, are passing away (cf. 1 John 2:15-17). Therefore, we are to set our minds and hearts upon those things that will not rust, or could be destroyed—relationships. We are to set our hearts and minds upon God, and through that we see that we are to love Him, love and take care of our families, and then our neighbor.
God blesses the righteous with loving relationships, which many consider to be the real and lasting treasure. It is true that God may bless the righteous financially, but genuine treasure is that which can’t be measured by a bank statement or balance sheet. God enables those who follow Him to be blessed with the treasure of loving relationships.
On the converse side of our treasure of the righteous is the income of the wicked. Wicked people obtain an earthly treasure by dishonest or cunning means. But, every sin has a consequence, every action a reaction—and for those who obtain their earthly wealth in an unworthy manner, there is always the question of when the consequence will be meted out. Trouble is sure to come to those who are wicked, while the righteous continue on being blessed.
Where is your treasure? How are you going about getting it? Is it worldly and will soon pass away? Or is it eternal? Is it in people or things? What type of treasure do you have? Recognize God as God Almighty. Seek His face, and as you are doing so, God will show you what true and lasting treasure is: a life dedicated to seeking and serving Him—for His glory and your joy. Amen.
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