Walking with the Wise #212: Not What They Seem

“Better is a little with the fear of the LORD
than great treasure and trouble with it.”
—Proverbs 15:16

Life is rarely what it seems. In our world, we look at those with wealth as being blessed (or at least better off) and those who are poor as less significant than the wealthy. But that is not what the Bible says. The Bible teaches that we can have little in terms of economic prosperity, but if it is coupled with the fear of God, then we are much better off than those who are wealthy but have no fear of God.

Those who are wealthy have a security that is temporary, especially if that wealth was obtained by illicit means. Their wealth can disappear in a moment, and the person who trusted in it is left without protection. Not so for those who fear the Lord—those who fear God have Him as their protector, defender, and friend. When life is lived with God as the focus, the acquisition of wealth becomes less of a factor because comparison to others is removed. Wealth is good for comfort but more often than not it is used as a means of comparison that serves to bolster pride as the wealthy does not delight in just having money, but in having more than the next person.

Our job is to “seek peace and pursue it” (cf. Psalm 34:14; 1 Peter 3:11), and to learn contentment in whatever situation we find ourselves (cf. Philippians 4:11). It is better to live life with little and have God in our corner than it is to have money and Him not there.

May God change our perspective and help us to be content with the little we receive. Amen.


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