Walking with the Wise #204: With A Whole Heart

“The sacrifice of the wicked is an abomination to the LORD, but the prayer of the upright is acceptable to Him.”—Proverbs 15:8

Most people think that when they die they will go to heaven. They continually compare themselves with other people, finding ways to justify themselves. And then, just to make themselves feel better they might give something to God. It might be a one time gift to a charity or an organization, but they really haven’t given much—just enough to satisfy their conscience.

What they are really doing is throwing scraps at God, trying to pacify Him. But God will not be pacified nor will He take anyone’s scraps or leftovers, as today’s proverb clearly shows. The wicked can do anything they want to garner God’s favor, but there is nothing that man can give or buy that will ever incur God’s favor—save a broken and contrite heart that comes when one is repentant before God. Anything except that is an abomination in His sight.

God delights hearts that are wholly devoted to Him—that are captivated by His glory, are in love with His beauty, and yearn for His person. People with hearts like that come to Him in humble repentance, willing to do whatever is needed in order to live their lives according to His Word, are considered upright. Men and women with hearts burning for Him will find their prayers answered, because they are willing to do whatever is right in His sight.

Where is your heart? Are you trying to pacify God? Or is your heart wholly devoted to Him? Let God be God, find your delight and satisfaction in Him, letting Him be your fear and your greatest reward, and you will soon discover that you are living a life God finds pleasure in, and in doing so, you will experience great, lasting, and unbelievable joy. Amen.


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