Walking with the Wise #257: Attuned to Truth

“A dishonest man spreads strife,
and a whisperer separates close friends.”
—Proverbs 16:28

We are in the season of politics filled with spin-doctors and pundits with various politicians espousing their own particular view of civic hope—enmeshed with the idea of a better tomorrow, all the while villainizing their opponent as the enemy of all that which is good. Followers of both sides of the aisle spread rumors of the other party or candidate, hoping to gain some ground in their cause, never realizing, or understanding that the means by which they get elected is indicative of the measures they desire to pass once elected. It is a long and tedious game and one that weighs heavily upon the shoulders of everyday citizens, like the humidity of an unrelenting summer day without shade or relief in sight.

In the midst of our political desert, we can be like those longing for a drink, ripe for illusions of refreshment. We must keep our wits about us and realize that truth is not found in attack ads or sounds bites of governmental sophistry—rather the truth is far deeper in the records of public domain. And even then it takes serious discernment, for spin doctors and commentators would have us believe that their version or interpretation of that record is true. Living in the desert realm of politics, our ears must be attuned to the voice of truth, calling to us beyond time. It is the voice of God, spoken through His Word, and made alive to our hearts by His Spirit. It helps us to think discerningly, enabling us to cut through the humidity of spin and hype and onto those things that are true and right.

And while, it must be conceded, we will never know the thoughts and intentions of a man’s heart in this world, we can be sure not to project our own prejudices and hopes onto a politician. Our hope is in Christ and in Him alone. And while we live in this world, bearing responsibilities of those privileged to dwell in a glorious Republic, we do not forget that our true citizenship is in heaven (cf. Philippians 3:20), and our first priority is not to an earthly government, but to act as citizens of that glorious and heavenly kingdom. Therefore, while the politicians war with words and image, we act and live as those under the authority of a heavenly King. Therefore, we renounce those things that impair our ability to life as free citizens of Christ. We refuse to spread rumors, or gossip, knowing full well that to do so would bring great disrepute on our Sovereign Lord.

How is your speech? Are you a gossip? Do you spread rumors? Are you a spin doctor? Let Christ rule over your tongue, die to self and refuse to propagate rumors and gossip, knowing full well that our Lord is the God of truth and that nothing will escape His omnipresent eye. Let God be God and speak words of truth that will build up all who listen. Amen.


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