Walking with the Wise #240: Fair Play
“A just balance and scales are the LORD's;
all the weights in the bag are His work.”
—Proverbs 16:11
all the weights in the bag are His work.”
—Proverbs 16:11
God is just and He demands that His people be just in all of our doings. We are to treat others fairly, making sure to not mistreat, misrepresent, or defraud anyone with whom we come into contact. It doesn’t matter who they are—friend or foe, family member or stranger, sinner or saint—we are to treat all fairly with devotion to truth, knowing that our actions are pleasing in the sight of Almighty God.
Are you being fair to those around you? Have you defrauded or mistreated them for your own selfish and sinful benefit? Then go, be reconciled to them—and be willing to make restitution or do whatever it takes to be brought back into right relationship with them and, moreover, God, because it is in His sight we are most guilty. Then, be ready to receive the forgiveness that was made available for you through Jesus' precious blood being shed on the cross. Amen.
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