Walking with the Wise #256: Words Like Rain
“A worthless man plots evil,
and his speech is like a scorching fire.”
—Proverbs 16:27
Words are powerful. They can build someone up or tear them down. They can inspire a revolution, or make peace. They can be used to inspire—propelling men and women to the glorious heights of courageous sacrifice. Or be used to conspire—instilling jealousy, hate, paranoia, and fear, destroying reputations and trust, severing the bonds of familial intimacy. We must be very careful how we use them, for they have far more power than we realize.
I am reminded of a time several years ago when I said something to a person in an unguarded moment. It was an off the cuff remark, that I don’t even remember, and would have forgotten entirely, if I wasn’t reminded of it by the person whom I made it to. She mentioned that my words inspired her to push on in service and surrender, causing her take greater steps of faith to serve the risen Christ. It was at that moment that I realized that words may have been meant for a moment, but their affect upon us can last a lifetime.
Jesus taught that our speech comes from the heart,
“For out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks”—Matthew 12:34.If we are good, then out of heart will flow good and beneficial words. If we are evil, then our speech will be destructive. Think of some of the dictators in the past century. Were not men like Hitler and Mussolini also great orators? Did not their words spread hate and destruction like Nero’s fire through Rome? As Christians, it is imperative that we understand the power of our words. To us they may not seem like much, but to others under our care, leadership, or influence, our words are like drops of rain on a summer field—they can bring life, or they can destroy, like a gentle rain and hail. One gives life and the other destroys it.
Be filled up with Christ by feeding your soul with the words of God so that God’s Word might spill out of you and on to others. Let your words be light and life to all of those around you for the glory of God and the furtherance of His kingdom and your unfettered joy. Amen.
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