Walking with the Wise #241: Rulers & Righteousness
“It is an abomination to kings to do evil,
for the throne is established by righteousness.”
—Proverbs 16:12
for the throne is established by righteousness.”
—Proverbs 16:12
It becomes apparent in the life of any nation that its leaders are to idealize those principles that make it great, especially those who are singularly responsible for the welfare of its people. In the ancient world it was the king who was to impose justice. However, in the course of human action, the fallen nature of man becomes all too familiar—the trappings of power and success can cause even the noblest of leaders to fall into moral corruption. Nevertheless, God holds all leaders responsible for their behavior, knowing full well that as a nation’s leader goes—so does its people. If a king or ruler is corrupt in behavior, God considers it an abomination in His sight, for the leader has been chosen by God to create and establish a just society—a manifestation of His perfections, whereby a just and righteous society might flourish—where righteousness dwells and where wickedness is checked.
Our job is to obey and respect our leaders, except in instances where their commands and decrees are antithetical toward Scripture—moreover, our responsibility is to pray for them and ask God to establish and use them in righteousness in order that righteousness might be allowed to flourish, while evil is squelched.
Take time to pray for your leaders today. Pray that God might speak to them, transform them, and then use them in such a way as to bring His name great glory. Amen.
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