Walking with the Wise #91: Godly Guidance

“Where there is no guidance, a people falls,
but in an abundance of counselors there is safety.”

—Proverbs 11:14

Without guidance, we all fall flat on our face—only the Lord knows how much we need help. As John Donne said, “No man is an island.” We need wisdom from others. We all need guidance, someone to talk to, to give us a listening ear, to bounce ideas off of, to get counsel from others. And this truth is not just for us as individuals, but for groups, organizations, and countries. No one has all the answers, which is why we who are followers of Jesus Christ have been put together as a body. A body, being made up of individual parts, comes together with all of the unique different functions of its parts to form something great. In such an environment as that, there is safety, because no one person is calling the shots and each person can bring out blind spots that another person may have missed.

What important decision are you facing? What about your church? Business? School? Are you part of the leadership team planning for the future? If so, seek counsel because there is safety in the wisdom of others. And make sure the guidance that you give is in accordance with God’s Word. If you honor God, He will honor you. Walk by faith in the knowledge of who He is, faithfully adhering to His Word, and He will enable you to walk safely and securely with Him for the praise and honor of His name. Amen.


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