Walking with the Wise #90: A Secret Keeper

“Whoever goes about slandering reveals secrets,
but he who is trustworthy in spirit keeps a thing covered.” 
—Proverbs 11:13

Life always brings opportunities that test our resolve and convictions. If we are truly seeking to follow Christ, then we must learn to control our tongue. Controlling the tongue is difficult because we want to share information, showing that we are important. We don’t consider it to be gossip or slander, instead we wrongly consider it a way of letting others know what’s going on—something that we believe they should know about.

As Christians, we must ever be aware that there will always be temptations to reveal the secrets of others. We have to learn to hold our tongues, keep our mouths shut, and learn to keep a confidence.

Are you a secret keeper? This doesn’t mean that we lie for others, nor does it mean that we don’t tell others when something sinful or harmful has been done by the person who confided in us. But it does mean that we use discretion in the handling of secrets, we learn to keep secrets when they have been done with a pure heart and pure motives, making sure that we are seeking the best of all of those involved. Remember, we are to love God and loving our neighbor, make sure to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace (Ephesians 4:3)—and when we do we will see God’s name being praised, the weak being made strong, and the harmony of the spirit which enables others to see Christ in us for the praise and honor of His great and glorious name. Amen.


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