Walking with the Wise #62: Walk in the Word
“Whoever heeds instruction is on the path to life,
but he who rejects reproof leads others astray.”
—Proverbs 10:17
but he who rejects reproof leads others astray.”
—Proverbs 10:17
Authority. Who is your authority? Is it yourself? Is it some philosophy? Where did you learn it? Did you learn it in school? From so-called experts? The media, perhaps? Every single person in this world has some type of authority that he or she appeals to. It might be themselves, a teacher, parent, mentor, spouse, boss, etc. We all have some type of authority by which we order our lives. The real question, however, is: Is it the right authority? Can our authority be trusted?
The ultimate authority for everyone is God, whether one likes it or not. God is the Creator of the universe, Maker of all that is or ever will be, the only Sovereign over the universe. His Word is our guide in how we are to conduct our lives; our job then is to read, study, and apply His Word to our lives.
Today’s proverb teaches us that if we heed instruction, which is to say, God’s instruction as found in His Word, then we will be on the path of life. And when we are on the path of life, others will inevitably follow. There will be those who see our life and will be attracted to it. However, those who reject the reproof of God’s Word will inevitably lead others astray. We are, by nature, creatures that imitate what we see—whether good or evil.
Consider children for a moment. Are they not the biggest imitators? They imitate parents when they are young, but as they age, they begin to imitate that which they believe to be popular and fashionable, and why? Because they want to be accepted. While children may be the most obvious choice in demonstrating this point, they are not alone. Adults do the same thing. We may let popularity be our authority, or we may let some other expert of philosophy be our authority, but we must remember that to follow something or someone other than God is a rejection of God’s authority and will inevitably lead others astray, because there are others who are looking at your life and will follow you. Our task then is to heed God’s instruction and do what He desires us to do.
Are you listening to God’s instruction? Or are you rejecting it in favor of something else? Trust God, listen to Him, and do whatever He tells you. That is the blessed life. Amen.
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