The Salvation Celebration
“Just so, I tell you, there is joy before the angels of God over one sinner who repents."—Luke 15:10
This weekend family and friends are gathering together across the United States of America to celebrate the 4th of July. It is a holiday honoring the day when the Declaration of Independence was signed and the United States of America was birthed. There will be cookouts, games, parties, and last, but certainly not least—fireworks. Fireworks celebrating freedom—and while freedom from an oppressive and tyrannical government is a sure cause for celebration, it doesn’t compare to the party that the angels in heaven have when one sinner turns from his or her sin and embraces the Savior.
Our passage for today is found in the “Lost” chapter of the Bible—Luke 15. It is the “Lost” chapter because it gives three parables about being lost: the Parable of the Lost Sheep, the Parable of the Lost Coin, and the Parable of the Prodigal Son. Each parable dynamically illustrates the length God is willing to go in order to reach those who have aligned themselves under Satan’s banner, as they cherish the oppressive sin that enslaves them. Yet, God demonstrated His love while we were still His enemies by giving His Son to die on the cross for our sins (Romans 5:8). He paid the price we could not, giving us precious freedom from sin and death, and life eternally in His presence.
God delights when we surrender the weapons of our warfare—our self-sufficiency, our self-righteousness, our pride, and our sin to Him. The cost of our rebellion required the death of His Son, but because of His love for us it was a price He was willing to pay. The angels in heaven have longed to understand how we—sinful, fallen, fleshly creatures, can have a relationship with Almighty God. The apostle Peter wrote about the Old Testament prophets, who were carried along by the Holy Spirit, writing about God’s coming salvation revealed through Christ. They understood a portion of the prophecies they were making, but Peter writes that they weren’t writing for themselves, but for us—the would-be recipients of God’s salvation. He writes, “It was revealed to them that they were serving not themselves but you, in the things that have now been announced to you through those who preached the good news to you by the Holy Spirit sent from heaven, things into which angels long to look”—1 Peter 1:12.
Angels long to understand our salvation! The picture Peter gives us is of angels pouring over a book, looking over the shoulder of one reading, trying to find out and discover how God purposed salvation for us! What a joy that the angels in heaven long to understand our salvation! It is no wonder than that there is great joy—a party of God-sized proportions going on in heaven when a sinner turns from his or her sin and embraces the risen Savior! The moment the head is bowed to receive Christ is the moment the fireworks begin to flash! The prayer uttered by the distraught and repentant soul is by faith. This faith is a Declaration of Independence from sin! They are free because the Son of God has set them free (John 8:32)! Recipients of God’s greatest gift! Rescued from infinite misery and now destined for eternal glory! Alive to testify and communicate the wondrous and miraculous story! Praise the Lord!
My brother or sister, is there a time you can point to as the day of your salvation celebration? Is there a moment you can point to when you surrender the weapons of your rebellion to embrace Jesus the Christ, the one and only Son of God? I hope that you have the moment you can recall when you came to Christ—your own Declaration of Independence. For some their salvation came as a light switch turned on. It was dark, but now there is light! While there are others whose salvation story was like the dawn—the earth is dark, but gradually, light begins to crawl across the horizon, as the sun slowly, almost imperceptibly illuminates all creation. What was once dark has gradually given way to light. Whatever the case may be, the light of Christ is shining and by faith you have come to walk in that light! I pray that you may recall the salvation you have received all over again, making sure to never forget the price that was paid for your sin! May it be for His glory and your joy! Amen.
This weekend family and friends are gathering together across the United States of America to celebrate the 4th of July. It is a holiday honoring the day when the Declaration of Independence was signed and the United States of America was birthed. There will be cookouts, games, parties, and last, but certainly not least—fireworks. Fireworks celebrating freedom—and while freedom from an oppressive and tyrannical government is a sure cause for celebration, it doesn’t compare to the party that the angels in heaven have when one sinner turns from his or her sin and embraces the Savior.
Our passage for today is found in the “Lost” chapter of the Bible—Luke 15. It is the “Lost” chapter because it gives three parables about being lost: the Parable of the Lost Sheep, the Parable of the Lost Coin, and the Parable of the Prodigal Son. Each parable dynamically illustrates the length God is willing to go in order to reach those who have aligned themselves under Satan’s banner, as they cherish the oppressive sin that enslaves them. Yet, God demonstrated His love while we were still His enemies by giving His Son to die on the cross for our sins (Romans 5:8). He paid the price we could not, giving us precious freedom from sin and death, and life eternally in His presence.
God delights when we surrender the weapons of our warfare—our self-sufficiency, our self-righteousness, our pride, and our sin to Him. The cost of our rebellion required the death of His Son, but because of His love for us it was a price He was willing to pay. The angels in heaven have longed to understand how we—sinful, fallen, fleshly creatures, can have a relationship with Almighty God. The apostle Peter wrote about the Old Testament prophets, who were carried along by the Holy Spirit, writing about God’s coming salvation revealed through Christ. They understood a portion of the prophecies they were making, but Peter writes that they weren’t writing for themselves, but for us—the would-be recipients of God’s salvation. He writes, “It was revealed to them that they were serving not themselves but you, in the things that have now been announced to you through those who preached the good news to you by the Holy Spirit sent from heaven, things into which angels long to look”—1 Peter 1:12.
Angels long to understand our salvation! The picture Peter gives us is of angels pouring over a book, looking over the shoulder of one reading, trying to find out and discover how God purposed salvation for us! What a joy that the angels in heaven long to understand our salvation! It is no wonder than that there is great joy—a party of God-sized proportions going on in heaven when a sinner turns from his or her sin and embraces the risen Savior! The moment the head is bowed to receive Christ is the moment the fireworks begin to flash! The prayer uttered by the distraught and repentant soul is by faith. This faith is a Declaration of Independence from sin! They are free because the Son of God has set them free (John 8:32)! Recipients of God’s greatest gift! Rescued from infinite misery and now destined for eternal glory! Alive to testify and communicate the wondrous and miraculous story! Praise the Lord!
My brother or sister, is there a time you can point to as the day of your salvation celebration? Is there a moment you can point to when you surrender the weapons of your rebellion to embrace Jesus the Christ, the one and only Son of God? I hope that you have the moment you can recall when you came to Christ—your own Declaration of Independence. For some their salvation came as a light switch turned on. It was dark, but now there is light! While there are others whose salvation story was like the dawn—the earth is dark, but gradually, light begins to crawl across the horizon, as the sun slowly, almost imperceptibly illuminates all creation. What was once dark has gradually given way to light. Whatever the case may be, the light of Christ is shining and by faith you have come to walk in that light! I pray that you may recall the salvation you have received all over again, making sure to never forget the price that was paid for your sin! May it be for His glory and your joy! Amen.
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