No Bounds

“Great is our Lord, and abundant in power;
His understanding is beyond measure.”
—Psalm 147:5

God is infinite. Whatever God is, He is infinitely so, which means that He is what He is beyond measure. There is no way to quantify who He is. We have the ability to measure everything in this world. We can measure height, depth, weight, distance, volume, etc. We can measure sound, light, air and space, but God, He cannot be measured. As A.W. Tozer said,
“…to say that God is infinite is to say that He is measureless. Measurement is the way created things have of accounting for themselves. It describes limitations, imperfections, and cannot apply to God."Knowledge of the Holy, p. 45
We use words in an attempt to describe or explain God, but words can never fully express or explain entirely who God is. A word can only express meaning within the parameters of the thought that it represents. And God cannot be conveyed, represented, explained or understood in words, except the words that He chooses for Himself to be known. And even then, our understanding is limited by the experiences by which we make sense of reality. God is not limited to our fleshly temporal experiences. He is spirit, and He is infinite. There is no measure to what He knows or what He can do.

God is immeasurable and without limit both in who He is and how He interacts with His creatures. His love, grace, goodness, wrath, justice and faithfulness are without measure. He loves us infinitely, but for those who reject Him, they will also suffer in accordance with the measure by which they reject Him. In other words, they will suffer infinitely. But for those who love God, and have trusted in Christ for their salvation, they will rejoice eternally and experience His love and grace infinitely.

God knows no bounds. His love is beyond measure and is only limited by those who willingly reject it. For those who desire to know God, He gives us of Himself. He gave His Son to die on the cross for our sins so that we might live eternally with Him, experiencing infinite pleasures beyond our imagination. May God give us grace to rest in the knowledge of who He is, so we might walk closer with Him each and every day. Amen.


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