He Can't Fail

“Jesus said to him, ‘I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me’”—John 14:6

In December 2008, Bernard “Bernie” Madoff was arrested for operating one of the biggest financial scams in history. During the subsequent investigation, it was learned that he had defrauded 4,800 clients and had stolen $64.8 billion dollars. He wasn’t expecting to become the greatest thief of all time, but he did! Investors had trusted Madoff, giving him millions of dollars to invest, having been promised to receive back much more than what they had invested, but they were betrayed and some were left destitute.

God will not lie to us. He does not make promises that He cannot fulfill. Everything He has said, promised or prophesied will come to pass. He cannot lie, because He is truth. God is the definition of truth, meaning that at His essence, He is truth. If there would be any falsehood to be found in God, then He would not be true, and hence not God. God must be perfect. For if God were to be less than perfect, then He could not be God. God being perfect means that He is the perfect standard and there must be a perfect standard because without a perfect standard then there is no definition of right or wrong. We cannot know what wrong is if we don’t know what is right and perfect first. I cannot know what a flawed diamond is if I don’t know what a flawless diamond is first. And the same is true with a lie. I cannot know what a lie is unless I know that which is true first.

God will not lie to us. Indeed, He cannot lie, for that would be against His perfect nature. As the Scripture says, “God is not man, that He should lie, or a son of man, that He should change His mind. Has He said, and will He not do it? Or has He spoken, and will He not fulfill it?”—Numbers 23:19.

God gave us His Son. His Son is truth. He is the truth of God to us, the perfect image of God, without fault, perfect, and altogether loving toward us. He is the truth that sets us free (John 8:32) from our sin. He is the perfect standard of God’s love, righteousness and mercy. He is the perfect penitent that demonstrates a life fully devoted and surrendered to God. He is also the one through whom redemption comes and in whom all of the promises of God find affirmation (2 Corinthians 1:9).

God will bring to pass all that He has promised to us. There is not one promise that will fall short. Why? Because He is truth. What He has promised will come to pass. He cannot and will not fail. We can trust in Him knowing that the promises He gives are not too good to be true; on the contrary, they are good and true because they are from Him who is good and is true. Amen.


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