Knows It All
“And no creature is hidden from His sight, but all are naked and exposed to the eyes of Him to whom we must give account.”—Hebrews 4:13
God knows everything. He knows everything that has ever been done, is being done, and will ever be done. Theologians call this God’s omniscience. There is nothing that God doesn’t know. He knows it all. He knows our “going out and coming in” (2 Kings 19:27), all of our thoughts (Psalm 139:1-4), and the paths that we take (Job 23:10). He “knows our frame; He remembers that we are dust” (Psalm 103:14), and all of our sins (Psalm 90:8). Nothing can be concealed from Him. There is no thought that we have that He doesn’t know about (Ezekiel 11:5), there is nothing that we can do that we can hide from Him. He knows every thought we have had from the time we first measured brain waves in our mother’s womb, until the moment we draw our last breath. He knows everything.
There is nothing in our vast universe that He doesn’t know about. Astronomers tell us that we live in the Milky Way galaxy and ours is a small galaxy compared to the infinitesimal number of galaxies that inhabits this vast universe. And God knows everything about them. As A.W. Tozer wrote,
"Were there even one datum of knowledge, however small, unknown to God, His rule would break down at that point. To be Lord over all creation, He must possess all knowledge. And were God lacking one infinitesimal modicum of power, that lack would end His reign and undo His kingdom; that one stray atom of power would belong to someone else and God would be limited ruler and hence not sovereign.”—A.W. Tozer, The Knowledge of the Holy, p. 108.
Is it a scary thing that God knows everything? He doesn’t just know the secrets of the universe, but the secrets of our hearts, and still chooses to love us. For those who love God, God’s omniscience should not scare us, but comfort us. There is nothing that He does not know, no mystery beyond His power, no plan made by man that is a threat to His sovereignty. He is God. The wicked should fear His omniscience, but not the righteous. For the righteous, God’s omniscience is an oasis of the soul, where saints might be encouraged and strengthened. We don’t have to fathom the mysteries of the universe, we know the one who does. We can trust in Him, knowing that He loves us. He gave His Son to die in our place. He knew the sins that we would commit and the hostility in our hearts and planned the death of His Son from the foundation of the world. As Peter wrote, “He was foreknown before the foundation of the world but was made manifest in the last times for the sake of you”—1 Peter 1:20. God gave His Son because of His love for us. We can trust in this great God who loves us and knows our hearts better than anyone. May we trust and rest in Him, because He knows our hearts and speaks peace through His Son, our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Amen.
God knows everything. He knows everything that has ever been done, is being done, and will ever be done. Theologians call this God’s omniscience. There is nothing that God doesn’t know. He knows it all. He knows our “going out and coming in” (2 Kings 19:27), all of our thoughts (Psalm 139:1-4), and the paths that we take (Job 23:10). He “knows our frame; He remembers that we are dust” (Psalm 103:14), and all of our sins (Psalm 90:8). Nothing can be concealed from Him. There is no thought that we have that He doesn’t know about (Ezekiel 11:5), there is nothing that we can do that we can hide from Him. He knows every thought we have had from the time we first measured brain waves in our mother’s womb, until the moment we draw our last breath. He knows everything.
There is nothing in our vast universe that He doesn’t know about. Astronomers tell us that we live in the Milky Way galaxy and ours is a small galaxy compared to the infinitesimal number of galaxies that inhabits this vast universe. And God knows everything about them. As A.W. Tozer wrote,
"Were there even one datum of knowledge, however small, unknown to God, His rule would break down at that point. To be Lord over all creation, He must possess all knowledge. And were God lacking one infinitesimal modicum of power, that lack would end His reign and undo His kingdom; that one stray atom of power would belong to someone else and God would be limited ruler and hence not sovereign.”—A.W. Tozer, The Knowledge of the Holy, p. 108.
Is it a scary thing that God knows everything? He doesn’t just know the secrets of the universe, but the secrets of our hearts, and still chooses to love us. For those who love God, God’s omniscience should not scare us, but comfort us. There is nothing that He does not know, no mystery beyond His power, no plan made by man that is a threat to His sovereignty. He is God. The wicked should fear His omniscience, but not the righteous. For the righteous, God’s omniscience is an oasis of the soul, where saints might be encouraged and strengthened. We don’t have to fathom the mysteries of the universe, we know the one who does. We can trust in Him, knowing that He loves us. He gave His Son to die in our place. He knew the sins that we would commit and the hostility in our hearts and planned the death of His Son from the foundation of the world. As Peter wrote, “He was foreknown before the foundation of the world but was made manifest in the last times for the sake of you”—1 Peter 1:20. God gave His Son because of His love for us. We can trust in this great God who loves us and knows our hearts better than anyone. May we trust and rest in Him, because He knows our hearts and speaks peace through His Son, our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Amen.
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