Walking with the Wise #491: Putting Out The Fire
“For lack of wood the fire goes out,
and where there is no whisperer, quarreling ceases.”
—Proverbs 26:20
Killing gossip is pretty simple—don’t say anything! One difficulty with gossip is discerning the point at which talking to someone about another person moves beyond information to defamation, especially without proof. It’s one thing to talk about something that has been reported in the news that is scandalous and has been confirmed. It’s a far different thing to talk about something or someone when there is no confirmation whatsoever.
But gossip only flourishes when there are receptive ears and untamed tongues. It takes an act of the will as directed by God’s Spirit to restrain such conversation, and we do well to pause whenever we hear something that is unconfirmed. Even then, when something scandalous has been confirmed, we must apply the words of Scripture:
“Take no part in the unfruitful works of darkness, but instead expose them. For it is shameful even to speak of the things that they do in secret”—Ephesians 5:11-12.Discerning what to say about situations or people, when to say it, whom to say it to, is not an easy thing to do—especially for the child of God. The unbeliever simply talks to talk and gratify their sinful nature. The child of God increases temptation by masking sinful desire under a guise of godliness and hypocritical "concern." If there is a question about whether or not it is appropriate to talk about something, it is best to be silent and not risk it. The rumor mill is only fanned into flame when someone continues to throw logs on it. Without that, it will eventually die out.
Are you continually fanning the flame of gossip? Stop and ask God whether what you are hearing is worth repeating. And if you have messed up, if you have found yourself fanning that flame, repent, and ask God to still your tongue so that you may promote what is good, build up those who listen to you, and be a well-spring of blessing for the King of Kings who died to save you from such sin. Amen.
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