Walking with the Wise #481: Knowing Better

“Trusting a fool to convey a message

is like cutting off one’s feet or drinking poison!”
—Proverbs 26:6 (NLT)

Entrusting delivery of a message to someone who isn’t trustworthy can be detrimental—to you and to those to whom the message was sent. In the ancient world, before email, texting, and cell phones, messengers were the means by which important news was delivered (cf. 2 Samuel 18:19-33). Having a bad, wicked, lazy, or incompetent messenger could affect armies, cities, and the outcome of wars. This is why the language appears so stark—with such factors hanging in the balance it is no wonder why the author would say it was like cutting off one’s feet or poisoning oneself. We should know better.

Fools don’t spring up over night, but have proved themselves foolish and untrustworthy over time. While we are to give second chances, we are not to entrust unreliable persons with such an important task as giving a message until they have proven themselves reliable.

Character counts in everyday life. We are to be students of the Word of God, but we are also to be students of people, making sure that God’s Word guides us in our decision-making. Don’t entrust important tasks to foolish people; instead look for those who have proven themselves worthy over time. Placing a trustworthy person in an important position will not only benefit you, but everyone with whom he or she will come into contact.

Give yourself over to God through the person of His Son, Jesus Christ. Rely on His Spirit, order your life according to His Word, be discerning in your interaction with people, and let Him lead, guide, and direct your life in the way that is most pleasing to Him. Amen.


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