Walking with the Wise #263: Reimagining Success

“Better is a dry morsel with quiet
than a house full of feasting with strife.”

—Proverbs 17:1

What does it mean to be successful? According to this world it means having fame, fortune, and many of the material trappings—a nice car, house, etc. But today’s proverb gives us a different viewpoint entirely. It’s not about the material things we collect, but it’s about the environment we create by the way we love and the goals we pursue. Being successful means having a home at peace. It’s not about the money we have if it leads our family to bickering, pettiness, and greed. Which is where having money or having the love of money often leads (cf. 1 Timothy 6:10). But it is about having a family where there is love, health, and peace.

God’s Word will endure forever -- way after this world has worn itself out. Throw away any notion of looking at success through worldly accomplishments and reimagine success in the way God intentioned—loving, serving, being faithful, and surrendering—you will be glad that you did. Amen.


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