Unfailing Faith

"Then Jesus answered her, 'O woman, great is your faith! Be it done for you as you desire.”—Matthew 15:28

Faith is the belief that God can or will do something. Faith is never static it’s dynamic. It moves, acts, and does not rest except in the object that it trusts. Faith for the Christian it’s trusting in Almighty God. Faith in God calls out and keeps calling until it is exhausted.

In today’s passage Jesus is dealing with a Canaanite woman whose daughter was being oppressed by a demon. Her love for her daughter compelled her to come to Jesus. She loved her daughter and couldn’t handle watching her be in pain and struggle. She came to Jesus calling out, “Have mercy on me, O Lord Son of David” (v. 22).

Jesus, in what many might consider a very un-Jesus like moment, didn’t say a word to her. He kept silent. His silence didn’t stop her cries, however. She wouldn’t be ignored. She continued crying out, finally penetrating the hearts of the disciples, causing them to plead her case to Him. Jesus answers them by saying He had only been sent to the “lost sheep of the house of Israel” (v. 24). In other words, He was only sent to the Jews and she was a Gentile!

Knowing the pain her daughter was in, and knowing that Jesus was able to heal, she refused to be still; real love overflows to action and she came and knelt before Him, pleading for help. Finally, He answered, “It is not right to take the children’s bread and throw it to the dogs” (v. 26). His response showed that He was sent to reach God’s chosen people who were heirs to God’s promises. She wasn’t part of the covenant community of God.

What Jesus said was true, she wasn’t Jewish. But she still believes. Her belief is not based on her background but her faith in Jesus. In a remarkable display of determination, she reasons with Jesus, “dogs eat the crumbs that fall from their masters’ table” (v. 27). What a display of faith! She may not be a part of the covenant community, but there must be a little for her! Her faith wins out, and Jesus praises her, “O woman, great is your faith!” None of the apostles’ ever earned such praise. But this Canaanite woman did. She refused to be stilled, and wouldn't stop pleading. She loved her daughter too much to be still. That is the faith that God desires. A faith, motivated by love, that seeks, pleads, and will not let up. Where is your faith? Is our faith strengthened in the dire moments, or does it quit?

Dear one, don’t let outside voices silence your faith in Jesus Christ. Take whatever situation or trial you have to Him. Focus on Him and plead your case. Plead your case and don’t let go. Don’t let go until you hear His voice say, “Be it done for you as you desire.” Amen.


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