At the Precipice of Despair

“Fret not yourself because of evildoers; be not envious of wrongdoers! For they will soon fade like the grass and wither like the green herb.”—Psalm 37:1-2

Evil is everywhere. Maybe I am simply getting older and more sensitive to sin. Maybe I was simply blinded when I was younger. Or maybe it’s because I’m now a parent and am trying to protect my children. Whatever the case may be I get nervous when I think about the world they face. Television, the Internet, music, movies, the grocery store, shopping, even getting gas or a doughnut, evil confronts them at every turn. It’s not hidden, but in plain sight. It’s promoted and considered good, whereas when I was a kid, most knew it was evil and treated it as such. No longer. What used to be called “evil” (as the Bible still does), the world is now calling, “good” and “progressive.”

As my heart breaks in sadness at the continue rejection of God’s commands, His Word comes across my heart like a spring rain to a dry land. It is just at that moment, when I am at the precipice of despair, the Scripture says, “Fret not yourself…” “Fret” means, “don’t worry.” Why am I not to worry? Because those who do such things will soon “fade like the grass and wither like the green herb.” They will wither. They will pass away. God is still in control.

Psalm 37 is a reminder to all of us who struggle with the question of evil prospering. It gives us hope and security. It sets our minds at ease, reminding us that we are not in charge; God is. And He will take care of everything. His name will be proclaimed, His righteousness will be seen, and His holiness will shine like the noonday sun. Our time is but a shadow and we are but a breath. God has promised that all of those who practice evil will “soon fade like the grass and wither like the green herb.” Evil was not born during my generation and it will continue long after I am gone, but it will not continue forever. The Lord our God will make His glorious presence known. The sky will be pulled back like a curtain and all will see Him, the Holy One, Jesus Christ. There will no longer be doubt, despair, or darkness. The entire world will know that Jesus Christ is God. And as this world begins to pass away, Jesus’ voice will echo throughout the universe, “Heaven and earth will pass away, but My words will not pass away” (Matthew 24:35). All creation will know its master. Those who have trusted in Him will pass into eternal life and those who have rejected Him will enter into eternal death.

As we wait for this glorious day, let us pursue His words, “Trust in the LORD and do good; dwell in the land and befriend faithfulness” (Psalm 37:3). I don’t need to worry, but practice patience and faithfulness, waiting on the Lord Jesus to set all things right. He will vindicate His name and His Word, regardless of what the world does. We simply need to trust in His Word. And all God’s people said, “Amen.”


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