Spiritually Deaf
“About this we have much to say, and it is hard to explain, since you have become dull of hearing.”—Hebrews 5:11
My grandfather is 90% deaf. He has worked around farm machinery for decades and the loud noise from the machines has taken its toll on his hearing. Now, he can hear hardly anyone, even with hearing aids. My grandfather’s condition reminds me how much we are spiritually like he is physically. We have been in the world so long that we have become deaf to the things of God. The author of Hebrews desires to instruct believers in the ways of Christ, but cannot because they have become deaf. The things of the world have become more exciting than the greatness of God’s salvation. They have hurt their ears from living in neglect to God’s Word, filling their ears with voices and noises from the world without quieting their souls to hear the words of God. And when God’s voice comes, they aren’t able to hear. God is calling us to repent. Our spiritual deafness, unlike physical deafness, need not be permanent. If we turn back to God, become deaf to the things of this world and set our ears to hear the Spirit of God, He will open our ears to hear. May it be that we turn our ears to hear God’s Word anew, that we might hear the sweet voice of God and His will for our lives. Amen.
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