Walking with the Wise #506: Truth Tellers

“Oil and perfume make the heart glad,
and the sweetness of a friend comes from his earnest counsel.”

—Proverbs 27:9

Taking a shower, getting cleaned, and smelling nice makes one feel good. The same feeling of satisfaction and joy comes when one has a friend who is willing to tell them the truth. I have several people in my life who are always giving me compliments. And while I appreciate such words, I’ve become slightly deaf to them when I find that all they do is compliment and compliment all the time. There needs to be a balance. Not that I am asking people to critique me! But I find that the most satisfying compliments come from those who are close to me and who aren’t afraid to say I’ve done something poorly, or given me a constructive critique to make me better. Such friends are sweet-smelling and helpful, making me be a better man of God, husband, father, pastor, and friend. I’m grateful for friends like that.

Do you have a friend who cares enough to be a truth teller? Are you that kind of friend? Jesus cared enough to tell us the truth about ourselves, and we must care enough to tell the truth to others. Do so today. Amen.


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