Walking with the Wise #92: Knowing When

“Whoever puts up security for a stranger will surely suffer harm,
but he who hates striking hands in pledge is secure.”

—Proverbs 11:15

Some people believe that the principles of God’s Word cannot be lived out in daily life, and apart from the Spirit of God, that’s true. But with God’s Spirit at work within us, bringing home the reality of God’s words, we can do whatever God commands. However, many of us don’t live Spirit empowered lives. Instead, we find church to be separate from our daily life, only applicable at church on Sunday’s. But such a view fails to take into consideration the dynamic of who God is—He is the author of life. And as the author, He understands full well how it should be lived. And we can live the life that He desires as we daily rely on the Spirit of God and making sure we take in, meditate on, and apply the Word of God to our daily lives.

One such arena where many find themselves spiritually myopic is personal finance. But God talks a great deal about money in His Word and has given us many principles that, if we choose to live by them, will lead us to financial stability and success.

In life, we may well face a time when we could put up financial security for another person—a stranger or someone we don’t know that well. It may be tempting to “love our neighbor” financially speaking by putting up security for them in such instances, but the Bible is clear that such an action is not only foolish, but could be harmful because the stranger (who promised to pay) might desire to simply decide not to pay leaving us to hold the bag and/or suffer the consequences. Our goal is to live simply, making sure that we don’t make rash promises or oath for those we don’t know that well. We are to be discerning, knowing when to help financially and when it might be best (and the most wise and loving thing to do) to refrain.

Are you in such a position right now, beloved? Are you preparing to put up security for someone you don’t know that well? Don’t do it! Be smart! Keep your head, look into God’s word, and seek counsel from others who may be able to help you make the best decision that is both edifying to God and helpful to you. Amen.


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