Walking with the Wise #55: You Can't Fool GOD At Any Time

"Whoever winks the eye causes trouble,
but a babbling fool will come to ruin.”

—Proverbs 10:10

Perhaps you’ve heard the saying that goes like this: "You can fool all the people some of the time, and some of the people all the time, but you cannot fool all the people all the time." I would like to add an addendum that says, “and you cannot fool God at any time.” We can’t fool God. No matter how hard we try. He knows our hearts, our thoughts, and the true nature of how we feel.

As children, we like to play “make believe” or “pretend.” As we grow older, we continue to play the game, but this time not everyone knows we are playing. Today’s proverb is about those who pretend one thing but really intend something else. They “wink” their eye. Not that winking an eye is all that bad—it’s the intent of the heart. And here, the intent is deception. Those who plot to deceive cause trouble and those who talk foolishly will come to ruin.

As followers of Christ, who have repented of our sin and placed our faith in the Lord Jesus, we have to be on guard against our sinful desires. Our sinful desires creep up on us, waiting to spring at any moment, ready to strike us at a moment we least expect. Therefore, we must train ourselves to be godly by continually taking in the Word of God so that when trouble does come we react with God’s thoughts, not our own. We will be able to assess pride in our hearts so that we might not be maliciously winking our eye toward someone we hate. We must also learn to guard our tongues, so that when times of difficulty strike and the possibility of gossip is in front of us, we will be able to shut our mouths and keep ourselves from gossip and slander.

Are you harboring bitterness in your heart toward another? Are you plotting something against someone who believes you are a friend? Stop! The pathway to peace is not through taking matters into our own hands and plotting evil against another! It is through the cross of Christ! We must remember that Jesus died not only for our sins, but the sins of those who have sinned against us. We must make sure to preserve unity through the bond of peace that has been provided for us through Jesus’ sacrifice! Throw off your pride and bitterness and bow before the Son of God so that He might change your perspective for His glory. Amen.


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