Walking with the Wise #34: GOD Hates Those Who Kill the Innocent
“There are six things that the LORD hates,
seven that are an abomination to Him:
haughty eyes, a lying tongue,
and hands that shed innocent blood…”
seven that are an abomination to Him:
haughty eyes, a lying tongue,
and hands that shed innocent blood…”
—Proverbs 6:16-17
Whenever the subject of killing the innocent comes up, abortion is usually one of the first subjects discussed. Abortion is a horrid, despicable, and disastrous practice—a crimson stain upon our collective soul. It is deplorable. It is the devaluation of human life and the exaltation of a person’s right to play God—the sole determiner of who lives and who dies. And in our modern era, abortion is seen as “the right to choose”—a woefully misguided and misunderstood phrase that exalts the will of the woman over the sanctity of life. And in many cases, abortion is seen as a viable option for those who want to have sex in whatever way they deem fit, but don’t want the consequences that go with it—namely, a child. For many, a child is seen as a hindrance to their lifestyle, an unwelcome guest that should not be allowed entry, sometimes simply because of a choice of promiscuity and unbridled passion. Others may see the child as an additional burden for an already weary woman who cannot possibly handle another human being who needs her attention. Such thinking, while unpleasant, is part and parcel of public discourse with both sides of the issue attempting to prevail with wildly insulting and inflamed rhetoric. And while the issue is made complex through the myriad lifestyle situations in which people find themselves, the reality is far simpler. God has created life. He is the author of it and the sole determiner of who lives and who dies. God hates those who shed innocent blood—and this goes far beyond the doctor with the scalpel (in the case of abortion), but to the woman who initiated the process.
While God does hate those who have shed innocent blood, He sent His Son to die for even that sin. There is no sin that is beyond His grace (save for the rejection of His Son as Savior of the world). If you are a woman (or man) who has been a part of an abortion, then know that Jesus’ death on the cross covers that sin. What was done was the murder of an innocent life. We can use whatever terminology we want in order to justify to our conscience our actions, but God’s Word proves true—it is a child, not a choice, and to take a child’s life in the act of abortion is terrible.
Are you one who has had an abortion? Perhaps you are a woman who has experienced the horror of it, thinking what you were doing was right at the time, only to live in the terror of that choice later. Maybe you are a man who agreed to it, or perhaps initiated the idea? Know that there is freedom that comes by faith in the risen Christ.
The beauty of the cross is seen in the death of Christ. He is the one who paid the price for your sins, and died the death you were supposed to. He stood condemned for you. He took your sentence upon Himself. Are you being condemned by your conscience? Know that the Christ was condemned so we who have sinned might be saved. He was declared guilty so we might live lives that are guilt-free. May God enable us to live in the light of a cleansed conscience afforded by Christ’s meritorious death! And may we praise Him for the forgiveness we feel because of it. Amen.
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