Precious Promises

“His divine power has granted to us all things that pertain to life and godliness, through the knowledge of Him who called us to His own glory and excellence, by which He has granted to us His precious and very great promises, so that through them you may become partakers of the divine nature, having escaped from the corruption that is in the world because of sinful desire.” 
—2 Peter 1:3-4

Promises. A promise is something that someone pledges to do no matter what happens. It is based in the character of the one making the promise. We all know what it’s like to break a promise or have a promise broken. Whether it is a promise to a spouse, a parent to a child, a girlfriend to a boyfriend, or vice versa, our world is full of promises—both broken and kept. Promises contain within them an element of hope—hope in the one making the promise, that they will do what they have pledged to do. But there are some promises, no matter how great the character of the one making it—that are impossible to keep. For example, I have made several promises to my kids—one of which is to protect them and keep them from harm until they grow up. Now I know full well that no matter how much I mean to keep it, there are circumstances outside of my control that could keep me from fulfilling that promise. I cannot protect my children from every evil, no matter how hard I try. I can’t control when accidents will happen, nor can I guarantee that I will be there when they grow up. I might die in an accident, or have a heart attack or get some other sickness. When I make a promise, what I mean is, as long as I am here, and as I am able, I will to the best of my ability keep and protect them from harm. I really cannot guarantee anything beyond that, because I am limited by time, circumstance, and my own mortality. But with God it’s an entirely different story.

Peter wrote to a group of believers who had been through many trials and were tempted to give in and give up living for God. But Peter wanted to encourage them, to remind them that God has “divine power.” He is not limited as men are by mortality, strength, or desire. He doesn’t get tired, He doesn’t need to eat or sleep. He isn’t limited by space or time, and since He created everything there is and rules it by a word, there is nothing outside of His rule or power. He has all-power. And by this great power, He has given us the knowledge, strength, will and outright ability to live the way He desires us to live. But it is only through knowing Christ that we are privy to such knowledge, because it is through believing and trusting in Christ and these “precious and very great promises” that we become like Christ. These promises will not fail because they are based upon God who cannot fail. If God were to fail, then He would not be God and our hope is lost. But, God is God and when He promises, He will bring it to fruition. He has given us a hope for eternal life through faith in the resurrected Christ. And He has given us His Holy Spirit so that we might forsake sin and pursue righteousness. How about you? Do you trust in His promises? Have you placed your faith in Him? What is keeping you from entrusting your life to Christ? What is making you doubt?

Fear and doubt are the natural enemies to the life of faith. The life of faith is nourished upon hope and grace and that can only be found in and through Christ and Him alone. And it is through our faith in Him and what He has done that we have this divine power that is given to help us escape the corruption of this sinful and hurting world and have hope beyond this life. Trust in Christ and the promises He gives, for they give life, hope, and power both now and for eternity. Amen.


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