For the Sake of the Name

“For they have gone out for the sake of the name, accepting nothing from the Gentiles. Therefore we ought to support people like these, that we may be fellow workers for the truth.”—3 John 1:7-8

Everyone wants to devote themselves to something bigger than themselves. Whether it is the pursuit of earthly success, a winning team, a group, a school, cause, or goal, we want to connect with something bigger than ourselves. We want to be part of something that allows us to be a part of something greater and more significant than we are alone. And for the Christian, there is nothing greater and more wonderful than Christ and what He has done. To be able to partner with Him in saving man—it is a wonderful thing. We cannot save an individual, but we are given the task of telling others about the one who can save them—the living Christ. He is the center of our being, the purpose and passion of our lives and the highest, most glorious thought we can espouse or set our minds to. Which is why, by our obedience, we show how valuable Christ is to us. We are willing to do whatever He tells us to, whenever He tells us to do it. Not that there won’t be times when we will disobey, or disregard the Lord’s call upon our lives, but those times will be dark and dreary times of disobedience, and God’s blessing will not be upon us. While we walk in the light of Christ we have joy, but when the clouds of disobedience come, we are walking in gray, without peace, without joy, without passion and purpose. The winds of repentance help blow away the clouds of disobedience and our joy of restored fellowship is felt once again. We come to the Lord, ready to give our life for Him, knowing that even as we lay our lives down in death, we are showing how great the Lord is.

For some of us, that means we may endure slights, the loss of job, or promotion, perhaps becoming the target of malicious gossip, difficulty, and perhaps even violence. But it is ultimately no matter; the slights we endure are nothing compared to the injustice experienced by Christ on the cross. We journey on, knowing that we are part of something bigger than ourselves—we are beneficiaries and recipients of Christ’s atoning work on the cross for our sins. We go out into the world, forsaking our jobs, if necessary, forsaking social acceptance, forsaking money, fame, status, and security for the sake of the Name—there is no price that we aren’t willing to pay—even if it means paying the price with our lives. We go out in Christ’s name, ready to be led, guided, sustained, and nourished by Him and Him alone. He will guide, guard, protect, and provide for us as we serve Him.

How about you? What are you willing to endure for Christ? Or better yet, what has Christ called you to do for His name? Have you realized what He has done for you? Are you willing to go without comfort, without earthly pleasures, without prestige, without status, all for the sake of Christ? He is worth more than all of those things combined. As Jim Elliot, the martyred missionary, whose life mirrored these words, said, “He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep in order to gain what he cannot lose.” May we be fools to this world, but wise in the eyes of Christ as we submit to Him, ready to do whatever He calls us to do. Amen.


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