No Escape
“For since the message declared by angels proved to be reliable, and every transgression or disobedience received a just retribution, how shall we escape if we neglect such a great salvation?”—Hebrews 2:2-3
On December 26, 2004, there was an undersea earthquake just off the west coast of Sumatra, Indonesia. The earthquake triggered a tsunami that devastated the countries of Sri Lanka, India, the Maldives, Somalia, Burma, Malaysia, the Seychelles, and Thailand, killing a total of 227,898 people, destroying countless homes, businesses, and innumerable lives. As one can see from video taken during the tsunami, it didn’t matter who you were or what you were doing; the tsunami destroyed everything in its path. It was a horrible day that will never be forgotten.
What if there were a chance to go back in time and tell all of those who were to be killed by the tsunami that it was coming? What if we had the opportunity to warn them so that they might be saved? I think that we all would go back and do exactly that, but we know all too well we can’t. However, we do have an opportunity to tell others about another coming tsunami—the tsunami of God’s coming judgment.
God’s Word is clear that all alike are under sin—there is no exception; every single man and woman is born into what theologians call original sin, which means that we are sinners by our very nature. We have every inclination to sin, but that is not all. For those who may say, “If I was born into it, how can I help it?” — the apostle Paul would respond, “Yes, you may have been born into sin, but the fact is you still choose to sin.” He writes, “For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God”—Romans 3:23. The “sinned” in this verse is pointing back to a past action that has continuing results—that is, we all sinned in Adam when he took of the fruit. But, there is a second part to the passage — we presently “fall short of the glory of God.” We sinned in Adam and we sin presently—which means, if we are sinners, then we are under God’s judgment.
We sin by nature and by choice, but God loved us so much that He provided a way of escape—He revealed Himself to a group of individuals who became known as Jews. He revealed Himself to them and gave them what is known as the Jewish Law, so that they would follow the Law, and be an example to the nations around them. But, there was a second purpose that the Jewish nation had—to bring forth the promised Messiah who would save humanity from their sins. The Law of which they were stewards was given to them in order that they might show God’s standard and requirement as to how we were to live, but they failed to live up to what the Law required. According to Galatians 3:21-26, the Law was to keep us captive until Christ came. So, the Law was to lead people to see Christ when He came as the fulfillment of the Law, the personification of righteousness and sinlessness that the Law commanded and required. The Law was to lead the Jews and the world to Christ—God’s promised Messiah come to save us from our sins.
The point is that the Jews were given the Law, and the Law, while reliable, was only to lead people to salvation in and through Christ and Him alone. And if the Law was so amazing that it was put in place by angels (according to Jewish tradition and some deductions from Deuteronomy 33:2, the Law was put in place by angels), then the salvation enacted by the Christ- event is much greater. I say “Christ-event” because He is the line in the sand of time—on one side is redemption and the other side is damnation. He is the center focus of history, God’s definitive act of love and judgment, the tsunami that will wash away sin forever at His second coming. And while the quake at the bottom of the ocean of humanity occurred two thousand years ago with Christ’s death on the cross, the tsunami of God’s wrath is on its way, ready to destroy those who have waited and tried to escape God’s great salvation. There is no escape. All of humanity will see and know that Jesus is the Christ. It doesn’t matter what view of truth you espouse, what religion you follow, because He who is truth (John 8:32; 14:6) is coming to judge the earth. The time of salvation is not later—but NOW! God’s Word doesn’t talk about getting it together, or putting it off until some time in the future, but NOW—TODAY! As Paul wrote to the church at Corinth,
“For He says, ‘In a favorable time I listened to you, and in a day of salvation I have helped you.’ Behold, now is the favorable time; behold, now is the day of salvation”—2 Corinthians 6:2.I pray that as you read this you might see God’s love poured out on Christ on the cross for you! See His love, so great, so amazing to endure the pain, humiliation and separation that your sin required! How then shall we escape if we neglect the greatest act of love that the universe will ever see? We will not! There is no escaping the tsunami of judgment that is coming—unless you have trusted in Christ! Trusting in Him is not just an escape from God’s coming judgment, but a radical life transformation whereby we are immersed into Him who is truth and love! He transforms us by forgiving our sins and giving us purpose and peace! Don’t put it off—ask Him to save you and He will forgive your sins and transform you! Amen!
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