In the Secret Place

"But when you pray, go into your room and shut the door and pray to your Father who is in secret. And your Father who sees in secret will reward you.” 
—Matthew 6:6

Prayer is one of the most intimate acts done, and one that no one will ever truly comprehend except God. He alone knows its true power. He alone knows the type of change it is capable of effecting. Prayer is the means of communication that He created in order that man might be able to commune with his Master. Therefore, since it is the means by which we most intimately commune with God, it is no wonder why He has placed such a high value on it.

God values prayer, all different types and styles. The degree to which God values prayer can be seen in Jesus’ response to the corruption of the temple. It was the only time recorded in Scripture that Jesus ever demonstrated his anger in a physical way, and it was in response to the disrespect and disregard the religious authorities had for God’s temple, which is a house of prayer (see Mark 11:15-19).

God values all kinds of prayers: impromptu prayers, public prayers, private prayers, and petitionary prayers, among others. But there is one kind of prayer that God doesn’t like: the kind that draws attention to the individual praying. Jesus taught a great deal about prayer and modeled a life of deep, dependent, and intimate prayer. Jesus taught that our praying was not to be done in such a manner that others would come and pay attention to us. We don’t pray to receive acclamation, or so that our godliness might be seen and praised, but we pray in such a manner that our prayer is entirely directed to God and to Him alone. When Jesus taught about the secret place, He wasn’t necessarily speaking about a specific locale, but a focus aimed directly at God. It’s not that God didn’t want us praying outside, but that we would be singularly focused upon Him and not on what others might think or do in response to our prayers. When we pray in the secret place, we are demonstrating that God alone is God and we are entirely dependent upon Him. And when we show ourselves dependent upon Him, focused upon Him, praying in faith, and according to His will, He hears us and will answer our prayers.

What has been the focus of your prayer life? Have you prayed in such a way that others might see you and esteem how good and holy you are? Then you have already received your reward. Ask God to give you a heart singularly focused upon Him and then go someplace where you can get alone and communicate with God. Look for a place and time where and when you are unhurried (if it’s possible) and alert. Take the time to pour out your heart before Him in the secret place, and I promise you that He will answer your heart’s request. It may not be in the way that you would like, but He will answer. Amen.


  1. It is also amazing how much He honors our appreciation of us recognizing His response. When we know it was only He that could have given the answer, He is glorified. This builds so much our relationship with Him. When we stop to recognize, even through our inadequate human ways, that He responded to our prayers, He does more. Through our gratitude, the pride that prevents God from showing Himself more fully to us is pushed aside a little more so that He can come fill us up in that now vacant space. It's not a "controlling God" thing but a genuine relationship thing. If I were to give you a gift, and you acknowledge, appreciate it and me as the giver, for sure I'd want to give to you again. If you don't bother with it, I'd have little motivation to give again. Of course and thankfully, God is all grace and defies our way of doing things, there is no formula with Him, but that gift example does make me think about my prayers differently. Wouldn't I want recognition for a given gift? Yeah. Infinitely more so God deserves our gratitude. In fact, He is the only One worthy of it. Lately, the experiences I have had with God and prayer have been beyond what I knew He is capable of.. Somehow, even though I fear and doubt, when His miracle response comes, I'm am amazed, but not at all surprised by His power. I just think, "Yes! Of course He can!" That motivates me so much to continue my relationship with Him and solidifies it. When I meet with people and share my life, I can share Christ with an ease I haven't had in my life. He is real to me, so when I speak of Him, there is no preachy-ness, no attempt at "conversion," I am just describing the real God and how amazing it is to have a relationship with Him. There is a confidence and a freedom that allows the Holy Spirit to flow to whomever I am speaking. This is some of my experience recently. I couldn't help but share :) It's probably going to battle the length of your post :) Thanks for letting me share :)
    Ruth Warren (Micsunescu)


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