Walking with the Wise #171: Take It To Jesus

“The heart knows its own bitterness,
and no stranger shares its joy.”
—Proverbs 14:10

No one can truly know how we feel. Yes, there are some who have been in similar situations and can sympathize or empathize with us, but most of the time, we are left to feel the burden of our pain by ourselves. However, at the same time, whenever there is a solution to our bitterness, no one can truly understand the joy that we feel.

God knows our frame, for He made us. He knows that we are but dust and that we are fickle people, susceptible to a myriad of things, any one of which can change our disposition. Knowing us so well, He gives us insight into the state of our souls through His Word. The Bible is not filled with merely human stories, but is filled with stories that reveal the state of our souls and knows our propensity toward certain behaviors and actions. God also knows that by telling it to us, we can then know how to better handle the situations in which we find ourselves. We won’t get so frustrated at others for not helping us in the way we want. No one is going to be able to know what we are going through exactly, and no one knows the relief we feel once the situation has been resolved. And once we know that, we are better apt to know how to feel toward others. We don’t want to have any sort of bitterness or frustration toward them. We want them, as much as they can, to come alongside with us and try. While they may not be able to do it exactly the way we like, we can take what they can give and benefit from it.

Are you frustrated toward others right now for not being there for you? For not feeling the way you want them to feel toward the pain you are going through? Give it and them to Jesus. He is the only one who can truly understand, as the Bible reminds us,
“For we do not have a high priest who is unable to sympathize with our weaknesses, but one who in every respect has been tempted as we are, yet without sin”—Hebrews 4:15.
Take your pain and problems to Jesus; He can handle them. He knows your bitterness, and He is the only one who will truly be able to share your joy. Amen.


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