Walking with the Wise #160: Dare to Discipline

“Whoever spares the rod hates his son,
but he who loves him is diligent to discipline him.”

—Proverbs 13:24

No one ever said parenting was going to be easy. For those with children still at home, they know all too well that there is not a one-size-fits-all guide to parenting.  Each child is different—their personalities, dispositions, birth order, etc.; the list is endless.  No sooner do we figure out one child than the next one comes along and is completely different.  We must learn to be students of our children, knowing their makeup and what form of discipline is best for them, and then apply it within the parameters of the Word of God.

The Hebrew word for discipline is musar, which means,“discipline,” “correction,” and “chastening.” The “rod” is the rod of correction, much like a switch or paddle.  And while the Bible certainly advocates spanking, it is not the only means by which we discipline, nor is it always the right way we are to discipline.  The goal is instruction with correction, not the means by which correction is always to be done. We are to take time to correct a child's behavior and shepherd their heart, because we love them and want what is best for them.  If that means spanking the child, giving them a time-out, a loss of privilege, or something else, our goal is to make sure that their behavior is corrected.  Our overarching goal is to teach them what it means to fear the Lord and follow Him, and correcting their behavior definitely falls under that umbrella.  And from that perspective we use whatever form of discipline that works best, that most effectively and thoroughly corrects their behavior. 

Lord, help us to be the parents you want us to be.  May we truly love our children enough to discipline them. May we be discerning parents, choosing what form of discipline is best for each child, making every effort to shepherd their heart as much as correcting their behavior so that they may one day having a saving relationship with you, spending their life in service for your glory and their joy.  Amen.


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