Walking with the Wise #167: Ready to Learn

“A scoffer seeks wisdom in vain,
but knowledge is easy for a man of understanding.”
—Proverbs 14:6

If we are to seek wisdom, we must be ready to receive what we find. If we are individuals of understanding, then wisdom will come easily. But if we are scoffers who refuse to listen to others, then no matter how hard we look, nothing will ever be good enough.

It comes down to the heart. If we are to truly seek for wisdom and find it, we must remember that we are not laws unto ourselves. Some of the most dangerous people you will ever meet are fools who think they are somebody when they are really nobody. We’ve all met them. They are the armchair quarterbacks, the political junkies, the cultural critics who always have an opinion about something, even though they don’t know much about the subject.

As Christians, we must make sure that we love God with all of our minds, aware of our shortcomings and limited knowledge, but sure of what God has said in His Word. If we do that, then we are ready to receive that which we seek. But if we continually scoff and sit in judgment on everyone around us, then we will never be able to receive wisdom.

If we are to walk with the wise, we must realize that we are not wise in and of ourselves and can always become wiser. We must always be students who are seeking to understand, so that we might grow in wisdom and godliness and be of better use in our Master’s hand.

May the Lord our God enable us to seek His face and to be students of His Word and the world around us, learning what it means to live in this world as ambassadors for Christ, pleading with this lost world to be reconciled to the one who made them, gave His life and died for them, and offers them eternal life through faith in Him—Jesus Christ, our Savior and Lord. Amen.


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