The Peace Elect
“And let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, to which indeed you were called in one body.”—Colossians 4:15
When a presidential candidate is elected and before he or she takes office, he or she is titled, the “president elect.” The person rules, but the full extent of reign has not been brought to actualization yet. The same is true of the peace of Christ. Christ has already achieved victory over death and sin and is appointed to rule, but the full extent of that rule has not yet been actualized until He comes again.
One of the key words in this verse is “let.” The peace of Christ is already ruling. The same is true in this verse that the peace of Christ has been elected by God Himself and is waiting to rule in our hearts. Each person has a throne room in his or her heart, sometimes we occupy the throne, other times we let other things occupy it, but the problem is that it is not ours or anyone else’s to occupy, it was made for Jesus and Him alone. When any other thing or person is allowed to rule it is called idolatry. When the scripture speaks of the peace of Christ ruling, it is our stepping out of the way or our removal of whatever it is that is ruling in order that He might take His rightful seat on the throne.
We are to let the peace of Christ come out from us. It is the peace that He left with us (John 14:27), a peace that does not get bent out of shape as wickedness increases, a peace that anchors the heart when the storms of life attempt to shipwreck us. It is the peace that characterized Christ on earth, being patient with the afflicted, the troubled, the marginalized, and the forgotten. It is the peace that waits on children, is kind to the aged, and listens to the difficult. It is the same peace that we need from others, indeed the same peace that we desire and receive from Christ.
Another portion of the verse that needs attention is “called in one body.” The first part of the sentence goes with the second. The peace of Christ is to rule in our hearts when we come into contact with other people. That’s the significance of the “one body” portion of the verse. The peace of Christ is not most manifest when we are setting by the dock overlooking a beautiful serene lake with no one else around, but in the midst of life, with people around us while we are tired, overwhelmed, and confronted with the daily realities of living.
Everyday life is the place where the peace of Christ seeks to rule, revealing itself from the throne room of our heart from God Himself, thus revealing our relationship with Him so that others may come to see Him as the Lord of Glory and the Savior of the Universe. Amen.
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