Walking with the Wise #20: The Sacred Inheritance
“The wise will inherit honor,
but fools get disgrace.”
—Proverbs 3:35
but fools get disgrace.”
—Proverbs 3:35
What is the reward for walking with the wise? Honor. Honor because of a life well lived. Honor because of ordering one’s life in a skillful way, for that’s what it means to be wise—to live skillfully. And for those who live skillfully there will be honor. But how can one truly live skillfully? By living according to God’s Word. Whenever one orders his or her life according to God’s word, they will find honor. This honor may not come right away, but it will come. The world may war against biblical living and seek to discredit it, to marginalize it, to make it seem archaic and stifling, but the truly wise know better. The wise understand the end result of living a life ordered to the Bible—honor. It ends with being in the presence of God and hearing the words “Well done, good and faithful servant,” from the Sovereign Creator and Lord, Jesus Christ.
However, at the end of time, there will be many others who stand before God in judgment. And they will know that Jesus Christ is Lord. They will know that they have been fools, denying His Lordship over all things. All of the opportunities lost, all of the instances where they could have responded, where they could have obeyed, will come upon them in a moment. Dread will creep over them. There is no way out. Their judgment is fixed. It is inescapable. There will be no excuses, no mistrial, nor will there even be an advocate. The evidence will be presented—did they believe in Jesus Christ and what He did for them on the cross? If so, they will go into eternity to be in the presence of Almighty God where they will experience everlasting bliss. If they have not, hell awaits. No words can describe how great heaven will be, while at the same time, no words can describe how awful hell will be.
If you want to walk with the wise, go to the word of God and apply the truth therein to your life. Know that honor awaits. You may experience trouble now, but don’t worry, when the last second of time falls, all of your work and dedication will be honored by Jesus Christ Himself. Hold on, loved one. Trust in Him and live according to His word…Honor awaits. Amen.
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