Walking with the Wise #13: Indescribable Creator
“The LORD by wisdom founded the earth;
by understanding He established the heavens;
by His knowledge the deeps broke open,
and the clouds drop down the dew.”
—Proverbs 3:19-20
by understanding He established the heavens;
by His knowledge the deeps broke open,
and the clouds drop down the dew.”
—Proverbs 3:19-20
There’s so much about God that we don’t know. And what we know, aside from what we can see in creation, comes to us through His Word. The Scripture unequivocally reminds us He is the Creator, there is no other.
Walking in wisdom means understanding one’s own limitations. And for us, that means knowing that God is the Creator and we are the creation. He is the one in whom we live and move and have our being (cf. Acts 17:28). His thoughts are beyond ours (cf. Isaiah 55:9). What we know about God is only the result of God allowing Himself to be known. We did not create ourselves. God did. God, for His own reason, decided to make us. He didn’t have to and no one compelled Him to.
God created us as human men and women. We didn’t evolve from apes (no matter how much we may act like them). God made us. He created Adam and Eve. They fell, and we are subject to the effects generated by their sinful and tragic choice.
Once we understand God as the Creator, many of life’s great questions simply fade away. Because we realize that there is so much to this universe that are forever mysteries. We will not be able to understand how the world came to be. We may learn the make up of many things, but we will never known exactly how things came to be at the very beginning. Scientists have hypothesized about the creation of the universe and man. Theories abound, but no will ever know everything about creation. We may have access to more information than we have ever had before, but God’s knowledge is vaster than the sea and the extent of our knowledge would fill a child’s play bucket on the shore.
God, in His wisdom, founded the earth. But His creation is not limited to the earth alone. It goes much further than that. He is the one who created the heavens. Whether that is the sky, outer space, or the place of His abode unable to be seen by any telescope, we know He is the one who created it all. As David wrote, “The heavens declare the glory of God, and the sky above proclaims His handiwork”—Psalm 19:1.
God created it all, and didn’t just leave it in its original state. He created the cycle of life, enabling the different plant life to be nourished by the rain and the sun and the animal life to be nourished by the plants. He is the Creator who cares for and nourishes His creation.
If God can create such a wonderful world and vast universe, how much more can He nourish, look after, and protect us? God loves us so much that He gave Himself to show it. He gave His Son, the third Person of the Trinity to come to us, assume flesh, and die in our place, establishing forgiveness, new life, hope, peace, and purpose in Him.
May God enable us to rest in the knowledge of who He is, and may the problems we face, be seen in the light of His sovereignty over all things. He is our indescribable Creator, Sustainer, and Lord, and He loves us. May we find rest and strength in His love, knowing that He will not give us or allow us to go through anything He is not willing to endure with us. Amen.
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