Standing the Test

“Blessed is the man who remains steadfast under trial, for when he has stood the test he will receive the crown of life, which God has promised to those who love Him.”—James 1:12

Endurance is one of the most admirable traits. We take notice when witnessing someone go through such great difficulty over time to accomplish a goal, especially once that goal has been achieved. To stand tall in the face of hostility, to persevere against all odds and prove to be victorious, emboldens and challenges those of a weaker disposition.

For the Christian, endurance is absolutely essential for finishing well. Endurance comes through understanding grace in action—that salvation is secured for us in Christ and we now have the ability to say “yes” to righteousness and “no” to ungodliness. Through Christ we have an anchor to keep us true through the storms of life.

One cannot experience the full measure of the Christian life without understanding the necessity of endurance. Because it is endurance that takes place right in the middle of our holding fast to the promises of God, which enable the believer to stand against temptation, to stand for truth in the midst of great aggression, and to stay true to the Word of God. This is no simple task as the rising tide of worldliness creeps in and carries other so-called believers away.

And for the believer that endures, or remains steadfast under trial, the result is clear—there awaits the crown of life, directly from the hand of God, who has promised it to those that love Him. We don’t receive an earthly crown that moth or rust can destroy, but a crown forged in heaven, impervious to the elements of time, enduring for eternity.

I pray that God may encourage and strengthen your heart. Don’t give into temptation! Be steadfast in the midst of this trial! You can say, “No!” ungodliness! Though friends and family may fall, you can stand strong! Hold fast to Christ, because even though the earth gives way, He alone is the impenetrable fortress that cannot be moved! Don’t give in! Don’t give up! Be steadfast! And remember, there is a crown that awaits you! Amen.


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