If God Used Google

“But the hour is coming, and is now here, when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth, for the Father is seeking such people to worship Him.”—John 4:23

If God used Google, what would He find? Imagine for a moment that God placed “worshipper” in the search engine Google. What would come up? Would your name come up with your profile? And what does it mean to worship? Worship means displaying by an act of the will God’s worth in our lives. We are showing by giving, serving, singing, meditating, rejoicing and hearing the Word of God, what He means to us.

God seeks worshippers who understand their state before Him. But there are search limits for “worshipper.” The first criterion to be a worshipper of God is to worship in spirit. This is not the Holy Spirit, but our own spirit. This means that we come in the full knowledge of our spiritual bankruptcy, aware of our true state before God and our need for Him. We don’t merely go through the motions, but stand spiritually naked before Him, aware that we are not hiding who we are, nor pretending to be something we are not.

The second criterion is worshipping in truth, which means in accordance with that which is true, including the truth as revealed within the Word of God that Jesus Christ is God, and is Truth Himself. We come through Jesus to worship the Father.

God seeks our worship. Why? Because we are created to worship, and we all do worship. The question is what is the object of our worship? For some, it is themselves. They worship who they are and what they have done. For others, it may be a relationship with a spouse, a boyfriend or girlfriend, a child, or a celebrity or athlete. This type of worship is seen when one’s identity is formulated based upon that other person, which means that one’s self-worth is seen in what another does or accomplishes. This is what Jesus meant when He said,  
“Whoever loves father or mother more than Me is not worthy of Me, and whoever loves son or daughter more than Me is not worthy of Me”—Matthew 10:37. 
When we come to know Jesus Christ, everything else, EVERYTHING else, becomes second place. Why? Because of who Jesus Christ is. He is our reason for being, the purpose of our existence, the passion of our heart, the highest aspiration of our achievement, and the highest pleasure. He is and must be supreme. Or as the Dutch theologian Abraham Kuyper once said,  
“In the total expanse of human life there is not a single square inch of which the Christ, who alone is sovereign, does not declare, 'That is mine!'”
Christ calls us to Himself in order that we might die to ourselves and have Him live in us so that we might experience the fullest joy of knowing and being known by Him. And when we worship, we are revealing the true state of our heart toward Him. We are doing that which we were made to do. As a trumpet was meant to be played and a car was meant to be driven, we are meant to worship. God doesn’t need to Google, He already knows everything, but if He were, would He find us as worshippers? Would the state of our hearts be shown in His search results? May we ever appear in the search engine of His Spirit, discovered to be authentic worshippers who worship Him in spirit and in truth. Amen.


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