God Doesn't Use Google Maps

“For the eyes of the LORD run to and fro throughout the whole earth, to give strong support to those whose heart is blameless toward Him.” 
—2 Chronicles 16:9

There are satellites everywhere in space. And some of these satellites are taking pictures of us on earth. It’s amazing to be able to go to Google Maps and call up a location in the United States and see my state, county, city, and block. It’s even more amazing that I can click on “street view” and see my house.

God doesn’t need Google Maps, but He, like the satellites in space, is ever looking over our planet for individuals who are focused on Him. God has His own mapping system. In our passage for today, we read about the “eyes of the LORD” that are continually scanning the earth for facial recognition of those who know and love Him. And He’s not just looking for men and women who say they love God, but who actually do it. And when He finds them, He seeks to strengthen them. He wants to defend them, to help them, to encourage them. He’s looking to bless those who love Jesus. He wants to show that we are His children, and He will place His Spirit upon our lives in such a way that we display His glory.

Our passage for today comes during the last few years of the reign of the Judean King, Asa. Asa started off as a great king, dedicating himself to follow the LORD, perform His commandments, and lead the nation in the right worship of Almighty God. He was God’s man for the hour, leading the people in victory over incredible odds against one very large African army (2 Chronicles 14:9), thus bringing peace to this usually hostile region.

But, several years after the peace and prosperity of his early years, he became proud and took his eyes off of God and instead relied on his political prowess to bring about peace. The northern Kingdom of Israel had essentially barricaded Judah, which prevented trade, thus giving the impression that invasion was imminent. Asa attempted to politically deal with the situation by calling on one of his neighbors, the Syrians, to come and help the nation. But for God, this was disappointing.

God sent His prophet, Hanani, to rebuke Asa and tell him that God looks for opportunities to show Himself to be God. God doesn’t want to see what we can do, but what He can do through us. When the Scripture says that God’s eyes are roaming back and forth in search of His loyal followers, that’s for the purpose of making His name known through us, in order that men and women might see Jesus in us.

What difficulty are we facing right now that God wants to use for His glory? What situation, relationship, heartbreak, or decisions are we facing that require us to give it over to Jesus Christ? There is nothing too small for the Lord, and He delights in showing Himself to be God so that He might receive glory and praise. I pray that God may strengthen us in our inner person, so that we continually trust in Him despite the circumstances we face, and I pray that God will receive glory because of it. Amen.


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