Pray On!

“Pray without ceasing”—1 Thessalonians 5:17

What does it mean to “pray without ceasing”? Does it mean that I am to be in prayer every waking moment of the day? I don’t think so. So what does it mean? I believe that it means “pray and don’t give up.” And here’s why I think so. In Luke 18, Jesus tells a story about a widow and an unjust judge. The widow came to the judge and asked for justice against her enemy because of something he or she did. But the unjust judge refused. Undaunted, the woman didn’t give up. She kept coming back to him, day after day. And after a while, the judge couldn’t take it anymore and said,  
“Though I neither fear God nor respect man, yet because this widow keeps bothering me, I will give her justice, so that she will not beat me down by her continual coming”—Luke 18:4-5. 
And then Jesus says,  
 "Hear what the unrighteous judge says. And will not God give justice to His elect, who cry to Him day and night? Will He delay long over them? I tell you, He will give justice to them speedily”—Luke 18:6-8.
What are Paul and Jesus trying to tell us? Pray and don’t give up, or, pray on! Pray on in the quiet place when no one is looking (Matthew 6:6). Pray on for men and women oppressed by Satan to be freed (Mark 9:29). Pray on in faith (Matthew 21:22). Pray on in His Spirit (Ephesians 6:18). Pray on in His name (John 15:16). Pray on in His will (1 John 5:14). Pray on for other brothers and sisters in Christ (1 Thessalonians 5:25). Pray on for those in sin (1 John 5:16). Pray on that we may be effective when we share Christ (Philemon 1:6). Pray on for doors to be open to share Christ (Colossians 4:3). Pray on that we may act honorably before an unbelieving world (Hebrews 13:18). Pray on to be found worthy before God (2 Thessalonians 1:11). Pray on in your weakness (Romans 8:26-27). Pray on in your suffering (James 5:13). Pray on for God to send workers into the harvest fields (Matthew 9:38). Pray on that God might demolish strongholds of Satan (2 Corinthians 10:4). Pray on for healing (James 5:16). Pray on for your spouse (1 Peter 3:7). Pray on for the unbelieving spouse, prodigal son or daughter, co-worker, that God may grant them the repentance that leads to eternal life (cf. 2 Timothy 2:25)! Pray on for God to do something in our midst that only He can do (see Ephesians 3:20)!

My brother or sister, pray on! Pray on and don’t give up! God is listening and He is far greater than the unjust Judge! And for those who believe in His name and are following Him in active obedience, His ear is attentive to our prayers (1 John 3:22); we only need to pray on! Pray on and don’t give up, for God is listening and is ready and willing to work on our behalf; we need only pray on! Amen.


  1. I keep prayering, it's all I can do.

    Brian L.


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