Only by Prayer
“And He said to them, ‘This kind cannot be driven out by anything but prayer.’"—Mark 9:29
Only by prayer. Here we get another glimpse into the power of prayer. Jesus approaches a crowd in the midst of an argument. At the epicenter of the crowd is a man on one side and Jesus’ disciples on the other. The subject of this crowd is a boy. The boy is demon-possessed and hurting. The demon had repeatedly tried to maim or kill him by throwing him into fire. The boy’s father is exhausted, mentally, emotionally, and probably physically. He came to Jesus’ disciples requesting help but found none. The disciples tried to cast out the demon, but despite their efforts, it didn’t happen. For some reason, this demon was different from others they had encountered. It had gripped this boy. It had already made him mute, and cut off from others. The demon had not only tried to throw him into fires, but caused seizures that left him on the ground, foaming at the mouth, his body rigid and unable to move. Jesus makes His way into the crowd, asking questions of those at the center of everything. His questions receive an immediate answer as the father of the boy relates the entire situation. Jesus asks for the boy to be brought to Him, but before he can even get to him, the boy seizes up and hits the ground, foaming and stiff.
Jesus then asks the boy’s father another question: “How long has he been this way?” Jesus is the Divine Physician and He is asking His patient what the symptoms are. He asks about our maladies in order to prescribe His cure. The father of the boy describes the condition in detail, ending with a desperate plea, “But if You can do anything, have compassion on us and help us." He had come to the end of himself and wanted some sort of help, anything that would help him cope with this burden that clung to his soul. But he didn’t understand whom He was addressing. He was addressing the perfect Physician, the Divine Doctor. Jesus’ response is profound. He says, “’If you can'! All things are possible for one who believes." Jesus lets this man know that the response He is looking for is rooted in faith in Him. When we have faith and trust in God, He can and will do the impossible. In response to Jesus’ statement, the man cries out, "I believe; help my unbelief!" O, how much theology is summed up in those five words! How much do we cry out like that before God?! How much might our current maladies be cured by the cry of, “I believe; help my unbelief!” May our faith cry out during times of desperation for God to reveal Himself! We understand some, and we do believe, but there are times when we are faced with situations beyond our ability to bear or understand. It is in those moments that we cry, “I believe; help my unbelief!”
Jesus sees a greater crowd is beginning to form. He doesn’t want to draw attention to the miracle itself, because man delights in the miraculous more than He does in the Miracle who is God incarnate. He rebukes the demonic spirit and sets the boy free. His disciples inquired as to why they were unable to set the boy free, to which Jesus replies, “This kind cannot be driven out by anything but prayer.” How much do we not understand of the power of prayer! My brothers and sisters, God has given us a power beyond our ability to understand. But the power is not ours. It is God’s; we simply have a lifeline to Him. We have been given a tool; a weapon that demolishes strongholds and helps set the captive free! There are certain situations that we face to which no amount of human ingenuity, wit, careful planning, or medical help can provide the answer. So where do we find the answer? Prayer. I do not pretend to know how God communes with us and how prayer works in such power, but I take it by faith that it does. I bow at the Master’s feet to learn what it means. And so must we all. We bow at His feet, asking as the demon-possessed boy’s father, “I believe; help my unbelief!” We want to understand and we want to trust more and more.
O Lord, help us understand the power of prayer! Help us to see how to wield this mighty weapon You have given us from the divine arsenal! We are weak creatures who battle unbelief day in and day out, but help us in our unbelief that we might be used of You! May we harness this power of prayer so that others might be brought into the Kingdom of God! May You do the works that only You can do! And may we see the realities and horrors of this world that can never be defeated except “by prayer.” And then may we do it! And may You receive honor, glory, and praise from it both now and forevermore! Amen.
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