Walking with the Wise #195: The Power of a Righteous Nation
“Righteousness exalts a nation,
but sin is a reproach to any people.”
—Proverbs 14:34
The strength of a nation is found in the moral fiber of its people. If a nation is exalts virtues of heroism, sacrifice, courage, bravery, honor, and goodness, then it will have leaders who will (hopefully) exemplify those same virtues. If a nation turns its back on goodness and becomes known for selfish indulgence, duplicity, and deceit then its leaders will be the very same and so will all it’s people. As goes a nation’s leaders, as goes it’s people.
The nation of Israel knew all too well the truth and reality of this proverb. For their history is filled with both—individuals who valued righteousness and who lived for God and those who are selfishly indulgent and sinful. Each time, whatever way the leader was, the people followed suit.
As Christians, we are citizens of another country—a heavenly one (cf. Philippians 3:20). And we must live as citizens of that country. While we cannot vote God into the White House, we can vote our values. The purpose of government is to promote goodness and dispel wickedness (cf. Romans 13:4). Our responsibility then is to live as salt and light (cf. Matthew 5:13-16). Salt acts as a preservative and when Christians live lives that are indicative of that relationship with God, then they will stem the tide of evil in the world.
Are we truly living as citizens of our true home? Are our lives a reflection of the Lord who paid for us? The strength of our nation largely depends upon our behavior. If we fail to be salt and light in the world, evil will reign, men and women will continue in their lost state, and God’s name will be impugned.
May the Lord our God enable us to live as children of light, citizens of a heavenly country, where God reigns. Amen.
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