Walking with the Wise #177: Fighting Folly

“One who is wise is cautious and turns away from evil,
but a fool is reckless and careless.”
—Proverbs 14:16

Growing up in a small town the choices of young people are magnified. In my hometown, teenagers give a great deal of energy and life, but so do their poor choices. I can’t tell you how many kids over the years got drunk and did something stupid—such as getting behind the wheel, playing dumb games like holding one’s breath underwater, and a host of other idiotic things. Their quick moment decisions lead to horrific consequences and for the above that meant death—of themselves and others. Those are consequences that can never be reversed and those who are left behind have to live with their stupid choice.

The Bible speaks to this and teaches us that if we want to be truly wise, then we will be cautious how we live, taking great precaution to think before doing, and turn away from evil, because fools are reckless and careless, not realizing that their choices have significant (and most often), unintended consequences. Which is why the Bible says,
“So flee youthful passions and pursue righteousness, faith, love, and peace, along with those who call on the Lord from a pure heart”—2 Timothy 2:22.
Youth aren’t the only one’s guilty of making dumb choices; each of us is capable of being reckless and careless. God desires that we follow Him with all of our entire heart, soul, mind, and strength, seeking to His will above all things, so that His name might be glorified in all of our choices.

May God enable each one of us to be wise and prudent, giving careful steps to our ways so that we might live in such a way to give God glory and experience the joy of knowing and following Him. Amen.


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