Walking with the Wise #146: Learning to Listen

“By insolence comes nothing but strife,
but with those who take advice is wisdom.”

—Proverbs 13:10

Listening is one of the hardest, most difficult and at the same time, deeply delightful things that we can do. Having someone to take the time to listen to us, hear what we are thinking, and process with us is one of the most touching and sincere acts of love we can experience. Many of us have had someone take the time to listen—correct us when we are wrong, and then affirm or encourage us to continue on. They are the truth tellers that we so desperately crave, for they will say not what we want to hear, but what we need to hear. The truth is, we all need someone to listen to us, and to be better listeners ourselves.

There are those who are so arrogant that they can never listen to anyone. They won’t listen to advice or rebuke, but continue on their merry way, never fully realizing the anger or bitterness they are causing by their actions. They cause strife and pain, but not so with those who listen. Those who listen, who are teachable, know that there is still much to learn from the experiences and wisdom of others, as the Psalmist said:

“Let a righteous man strike me—it is a kindness;
let him rebuke me—it is oil for my head;
let my head not refuse it”

—Psalm 141:5.

We must learn to listen to the wisdom of others. We must not be so sure of ourselves that we are cut off from godly counselors who endeavor to speak the truth in love, and seek our betterment. Truly wise counselors do not want to hurt, but heal, and use their words to build us up, not tear us down.

Each of us must ask ourselves the question, what kind of listener am I? Am I wise enough to hear the words of others? Or is my heart so hard that I can hear nothing but my own thoughts? The truly wise want to do what is right and learn from those who have walked before Him faithfully along the path of life.

May the Lord our God enable us to be godly counselors, but may He also enable us to be godly listeners as we listen to the words and wisdom of others so that we might live the life God desires for us. Amen.


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