In An Understanding Way

“Likewise, husbands, live with your wives in an understanding way, showing honor to the woman as the weaker vessel, since they are heirs with you of the grace of life, so that your prayers may not be hindered.”—1 Peter 3:7

The battle of the sexes—man vs. woman, action flicks vs. romantic comedies, too warm vs. too cold, football vs. ice-skating, and the list goes on and on. Men and women are different—physiologically, psychologically, and emotionally. And our differences are part of the created order. God made us delightfully different. He made man and woman, with all of their differences to go together. To be joined together in holy matrimony, living together as husband and wife.

But how are we to live together? The Bible says that husbands are to live with their wives in an understanding way. We must seek to understand our wives—aware of our differences, knowing how my wife thinks, acts, and what makes her tick. It means knowing what is important to her, what she is thinking, feeling, and going through. But it goes further. Peter writes, “showing honor to the woman as the weaker vessel.” There is much debate as to what he means by the “weaker vessel.” Some think it means women are weaker in terms of delegated authority, while others believe that women are weaker emotionally, or weaker physically. Peter is probably referring to the fact that men are physically stronger, and may be tempted to threaten their wives through physical or verbal abuse. But Peter says that husbands should honor them because they are co-heirs of salvation. Women are not less than men. Both are equal in Christ, although each has a different role.

Men are called to love their wives as Christ loved the church (Ephesians 5:25, 28), and not be harsh with them (Colossians 3:19), living with them in an understanding way, showing honor to them, so that our prayers may not be hindered. It’s amazing that God says that a husband’s prayer life will be affected according to how he treats his wife. We can’t be condescending or demanding, or attempt to motivate our wives through fear, guilt, or manipulation. Christ loved the church by giving Himself for her and we love our wives by giving ourselves for them.

Do you want to make sure that your prayer life is not being hindered? Examine your relationship with your wife. Ask God to reveal to you anything that is keeping you from honoring her by living with her in an understanding way. God will reveal it and we must be ready to act upon whatever He reveals. It may mean saying, “I’m sorry, honey, forgive me.” It may mean making restitution for past action or behaviors. But whatever the case may be, make sure you do whatever God shows you to do. This will allow you to love and lead your wife as God purposed—for His glory and your joy. Amen.


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