Satan’s Strategy for Your Life #37: Compromised Living
“By this it is evident who are the children of God, and who are the children of the devil: whoever does not practice righteousness is not of God, nor is the one who does not love his brother.”
—1 John 3:10
There are two things that help differentiate who a child of God is and who a child of the devil is. Placing your faith in Christ is a pre-requisite in this verse that is proven by actions. If a person lives a righteous life and loves his brother, then it can be determined that he is a believer. But, if a person does not live a righteous life and does not love their brother, then it can be seen that he is a son of the devil. Our actions prove the legitimacy or illegitimacy of our words. The Bible doesn’t allow any other mediating positions, just like an airplane. It’s either in the sky or its not. There is no middle ground.
Satan wants us to compromise—to hold onto a bit of sin. We rationalize our sin by saying, “Nobody’s perfect.” And while true, we use it not to show our fallenness, but to excuse our continual living in it. It’s one thing to fall off a horse and say, “I’ve fallen.” And then get up in order to get back on it again. But, it’s quite another to fall of a horse and say, “I’ve fallen.” And then stay in such a position. God knows that we sin and are going to sin, but the true believer continually seeks to get back upon the horse of discipleship, learning how to live this Christian life rather than stay on the ground reveling in it.
The devil is a subtle, scheming, evil being who wants nothing more than to destroy your life anyway that he can. Rarely will he make a full-frontal assault. Instead, he is subtle and patient, making small attacks over time that gradually draw you away. He will use your fallen desires against you, he will take what is good and twist and turn it so that it becomes an idol that ensnares you and wraps your joy around it.
How is he attacking you? Where are the areas where he is tempting you to turn away from righteousness and compromise God’s standards? What is he trying to get you to hold on to in order that you will not love your brother? Be on guard! He wants to tear you apart and reclaim you for his own!
The devil cannot touch the true believers in Christ, for we are God’s children, washed in the blood of the Lamb, purchased by Jesus at the cross, and forever changed! Our salvation does not stop Satan from warring against us, though. In fact, it intensifies it.
The Bible tells us to be on guard against Satan and his ways because he is prowling around like a roaring lion (1 Peter 5:8). The only way we can truly guard against him is by keeping our spiritual life sharp through washing our minds with the Word of God and continually in fellowship with the people of God. May God enable us to walk in His ways by hiding His Word in our heart so that we might live a life that is pleasing to God our King. Amen.
Thank you!