GOD's Tax Day

“So then each of us will give an account of himself to God.”—Romans 14:12

Today is Tax Day, when people across the United States have to give an account for all of the money that they earned this past year. For some, it’s not a big deal because they got their taxes done months ago, while for others it’s a day of terror, as they frantically try to put the correct details together on their tax forms to get them out on time. And while Tax Day is a difficult thing to go through, it will bear no significance to God’s Tax Day, when we stand before God and give an account for everything we have done in our lives.

There will be a Day of Judgment when all will appear before God at the Great White Throne of Judgment (Revelation 20:11-15). It is there that God will separate the wicked from the righteous (Matthew 25:31-46). The righteous will go off to receive reward at the Judgment Seat of Christ (2 Corinthians 5:10) while the wicked will go to eternal punishment (Matthew 25:46) in the Lake of Fire (Revelation 20:15). For those who are unprepared, it will be the greatest moment of dread they could ever know. There will be no escape, no opportunity to get away, or get out. It cannot be postponed or avoided. There won’t be any chance for a mistrial or getting off because of a technicality. All will appear before Him, for He alone is able to judge completely without any prejudice whatsoever, for He is justice Himself. It will not matter who we are or what we have done; we will be judged according to what we believed about Christ—which is reflected in the lives we lived. Either we believed in Christ, placed our trust in Him, and our lives reflected that belief. Or, we did not believe in Christ or trust in His sacrifice for our sins, but rather lived for ourselves apart from God.

On the Day of Judgment, all of creation will melt away at His presence (Revelation 20:11). It is here that God will judge the “living and the dead” (1 Peter 4:5) for  
“no creature is hidden from His sight, but all are naked and exposed to the eyes of Him to whom we must give account.”—Hebrews 12:13. 
We will have to give an account for everything we have ever done. For some, it will be a day of dread, but for those who have Christ, there will be confidence (1 John 4:17) because we have trusted in Christ’s death on the cross and His payment for our sins. We then will pass through the Great White Throne of Judgment to the Judgment Seat of Christ where we will receive rewards that will be unimaginable (2 Corinthians 5:10).

Does God’s Tax Day terrify you? If it does, then know this—all of us who have trusted in Christ need not worry because He paid the price that we could not, and by our faith in Him, we pass through the judgment. If you have come to know Christ by believing and trusting in His payment for your sins, then you need not worry! God’s wrath was poured out on Christ when He was on the cross, and there no longer remains any wrath on us! God be praised!

The Day of Judgment will not be a day of fear, but a day to rejoice all the more in Jesus Christ and what He has done on our behalf! But for those who do not know Him, take heart! The time is short and God will not tarry forever! His judgment is coming and you do not want to reject His offer of unbelievable love so wondrously displayed in Christ, resulting in eternal salvation! Believe in Christ now! Place your faith and trust in Him and what He has done on your behalf so that you can experience God’s joy, peace and love in abundance, and not His terrifying and consuming wrath! And if you trust in Him, then know that God’s wrath no longer remains on you, and you have peace with Almighty God (Romans 5:1)!

May each one of us appear before God’s throne, confident on the Day of Judgment because of what Jesus has done for us! May we look forward to the day when we will be able to spend eternity delighting in His love and salvation! And may we reach out to our friends and family in love—desirous not of their judgment, but for them to have the same peace that is from God, resulting in eternity with God, and which was accomplished on Calvary’s tree for whosoever will. Amen.


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