
“On the last day of the feast, the great day, Jesus stood up and cried out, ‘If anyone thirsts, let him come to me and drink.’”—John 7:37


Hot summers. Being outside, moving around, doing work, playing—exerting these temples we call bodies. They require nourishment—food, shelter, rest, and drink. Our bodies need liquid—they need water. We thirst. Thirst means need—a need for replenishment of what has been lost. We all experience physical thirst, but what about our spiritual thirst? Some will recognize it, some won’t. Jesus said, “If anyone thirsts.” See that first word? “If” is a conditional word—one has to recognize one’s need and that is followed by an invitation—let him come to me and drink. If you realize that what you have been looking for you can’t find anywhere else, then this is for you. If you have tried to find satisfaction in all kinds of things and still not quenched that thirst, then the invitation is for you to come to Jesus and drink. Take in who He is, believe what He says about Himself and believe what He has said about you—then try Him, taste and see that He is good, that He cares for you, and that He can satisfy you. What have you to lose? Nothing. What have you to gain? Everything. Go ahead. Take a drink.


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