The Fruit of Goodness

“But the fruit of the Spirit is…goodness”—Galatians 5:22

God is good. But what does that mean? Whenever we use the term good, we usually mean of a certain condition or quality that is useable—such as, “that is a good car.” Or we may use the term to describe something that is desired or approved of, such as “he made a good choice.” Or the term can be used to describe a moral virtue, such as “he is a good person.” Here the word is used to denote a character trait of the highest quality or degree, morally excellent, or superior.

And God, by definition, is the only one who is truly good. He is the most excellent and most desirable. But goodness goes further. If we want to do “good” to somebody, then we are looking out for his or her benefit. Here is where we unite the character trait of moral excellence with benevolence. Goodness is moral excellence in one’s character that is seen in how it interacts with or treats others. If I want someone’s good, I do so because I care about them. By desiring the good of another I am showing the good within me.

It is no wonder then that as believers in Christ, one of the fruits of God’s Spirit is goodness. By placing His Spirit within us, He is correcting the effect of original sin. The image of God was tarnished with the fall of the first Adam, but the second Adam is remaking that image. And His only way of recreating us is by sending His Spirit to live within us. The Spirit of God reproduces the life of Christ in us—which is moral excellence that desires the benefit of others.

Do you desire to be good? Do you want to be good to others? Do you really want to see others blessed? Or does your jealousy get in the way? God is equally good to the just and the unjust, as Jesus said. “For He makes His sun rise on the evil and on the good, and sends rain on the just and on the unjust”—Matthew 5:45. And He desires that we do good to believers and unbelievers alike, but especially believers: “So then, as we have opportunity, let us do good to everyone, and especially to those who are of the household of faith”—Galatians 6:10.

Are you good to others? To unbelievers? Believers? May the God who is good, enable us to be good, in order that all would come to know and worship Him. Amen.


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